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Shanti sharma (None)     15 January 2020

Gift deed advise


     Our father passed away last month. My Brother and I are the legal heirs.

My brother was the nominee in all my fathers Bank accounts and he has already recieved the money in his account.

I wish to relinquish my claim to any money from my Father.

Do I simply give it in writing to my Brother or do I have create a gift deed on Stamp paper. Does the same need to be registered also ?




 5 Replies

Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Advocate)     15 January 2020

your brother is ready to pay your share??

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     15 January 2020

Dear madam,

You can execute letter to your brother that you do not have any claim over the bank deposits. And this is sufficient as you have mutually decided to relinquish the money.



Shanti sharma (None)     15 January 2020

No I don't want anything I just want to relinquish. Just want to understand what documents are required for this.

Shanti sharma (None)     15 January 2020

Thank you very much Shishir. But I have been advised that since there is no transaction as the money went directly into my Brothers account from my Fathers account a registered deed will be required. They say that there is no delivery from my side. Is this correct?

shamataneja (Advocate)     21 January 2020

If there is any  legal formalities to be done by the Bank ,just ask the Bank officials , Are Bank officials asking you for closure of your father's account?.

According to my opinion once money is transferred to your brother's account as you have consented there is no such procedure that you will require registered deed.






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