There are lots of disputes between me and my wife. She has filed 498a against me and my 84 year mother with totally false claims. She has filed DV case also, but I did't got any intimation from court. My wife and her Mother, Sistor and Brother are very much greedy and always trying to extract money from me for various reasons. Although its 10 yeras of marrage, she frequently visits her Mothers place and stays for very long time. She comes back home only for money.
Out of my retirement income, I receently build up good house at village of my native place. This is 100 % from my own income.Registered ageement of Plot is on my single name. But my wifes and her relatives occupied this house and I am not able to visit this, because of fear of false 498a. Now I am really not able to think what I can do to get possession of my own house. Besides this, her name got added in grampanchyat records (Tax bill and assessement register) because of GR from government of Maharastra (without any information or consencent signature from me).
In this situation, it is possible that, I can sign registered gift deed and gift in to my friend to whome I can trust. And once, this gift deed is sign I can evict them and lock the premises.