SAMUEL SHEELAM 04 April 2020
Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108) 04 April 2020
1. ALL the remaining brother can proceed with filing a Civil Court grievance application, filed for rescinding /revoking the Gift Deed, on basis of all the available documentary evidences with the brothers. Take certificate of local Gram Panchayat for the constructed structures age and details of house rent taxes etc.... Arrange for few witnesses and other evidences, to put up in court. Also request court to direct partition proceedings and necessary directions to the Revenue & Gram Panchayat authorities.
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Advocate Suneel Moudgil (Advocate) 04 April 2020
since the property is ancestral, therefore, other brothers can file a civil suit for the partition of the property and also set aside the gift/settlement citing the same as null & Void being illegal,