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Sri Rushikesh (Audit Assistant)     18 November 2019

Gifted deed sale

Father purchased 200 square yards of land from a buyer by writing on a stamp paper and done notary at an advocate in the year 2004 (But document was not done Registration in registration office), father gifted this land to his 2 daughters 100 square yards each on equally by writing on a paper. second daughter sold her share100 Sq Yds to another person after 2 or 3 years. at the time of sale her father, buyer, and the first owner (from whom father purchased land in 2004) are presented before registrar office and signed the sale deed wherever necessary and sold the land. her father expired in 2017 (and also the starting first owner also expired) now today her first daughter wants to sell her land towards some financial problems but she has only document Xerox left what her father purchased in 2004 and one written paper stating that he has given 100 sq yards share as gift to her first daughter. Now what are the steps to be be taken to sell that land by her.

 1 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     18 November 2019

If the first owner is alive and he is ready to make the document and sign the sale deed and appear before the registering authority then she can sell the land.

The reality is that the sale deed need to be registerd and properly stamped but your father had executed a  dcument that is not valid sale deed. However like her sister sold the land she can also sell the land just the first owner need to apeear and sign and  get slae deed registered.

Father is no need to appear as he is not owner as per requierment of valid sale dee.

However if you wish to do it other ways that is lenghty by filing a suit for declaration....


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