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498_final stage (Professional)     12 May 2014

Girl lied in the court about her salary-340 to be filed

Girl lied in the court (after oath) about her income. In the domestic violence case filed in Kanpur, she said (on oath) that she is not able to work and should be given a maintenance.

I however am able to prove that She has lied to the court. 

I now want to file Perjury, do you think court would take any action against her? I need to know how perjury case could be strengthen. I have her emails where she wrote that she would file for divorce. The marriage is hardly 5 months old. I have hear audio recordings where she is abusing me and my family and saying she would file false cases against me and pull me on the road

She then filed divorce case as well. However, she already filed 498a long time back and looped my family. My father died of heart attack after that. 

Kindly advice

 13 Replies

Solomon Raju (Advocate High Court of A.P.)     12 May 2014

Dear Legalabuse,

Always remember the laws in India are gender biased. 95% of 498A and DVC cases are false cases...All the Police Officers, Advocates and Courts know that these are false cases...But they play their roles either to reunion the couple or to get them divorce as per their wish...I think you have undergone lot of hell as understood from your Father's death...Now, if you file Perjury case, when shall the trial start and when it will end and you shall fight for lifetime with these cases....

Just forget all these and come out of 498A by producing all the evidences available with you including audio and emails..This will reveal her character, ultimately you will be acquitted...Remember, weak people revenge, strong people forgive and intelligent people just ignore and plan for future...dont spoil your life in chasing her, anyhow her life will be hopeless soon....You can prove you are not the person she alleged...You are a different person by elevating yourself....

498_final stage (Professional)     12 May 2014

Dear Raju,

Thanks for the wise words. I agree with you. but you know, if we all think like that then these women will never be taught lesson. You know the worse thing such women do is for their own community. The genuine and good women are seen as criminals now.

Also why perjury would take years? It was hardly a 5 months old marriage, unconsummated. They have already done everything they could. But at least they should be penalized for what they ahve done.

What is the probability that they would not harm me and my family again? So I have given a lot of thought to it, and I know I am doing that at the expense of my own life. 

I will keep your advice in mind but for me its hard to forgive. I will come out of 498a as there is no medical and where the case is made it is not hard to prove that she hardly come to that house.

I was living away from my parents since that      was a trouble from the very first day. But they tried to be over smart

You said that her life has been damaged? How? She can easily lie anywhere about her marriage??? Who would get to know what has she done in the past? It is important that such     are exposed in public so that people would know what can happen to a woman if she files false charges and also who is criminal.

Mahesh R. Sonawane (Lawyer/Fight for justice)     12 May 2014

Yes, you should take serious action against her... file perjury case.. even you can have right to file criminal complaint against her as your father died due to the pressure of these false cases...

You take advise from AMIT in this forum... he has done many things which you want to do?....and most of cases, he succeed...

498_final stage (Professional)     12 May 2014

Hi Mahesh,

Thanks for your post. Please share Amit's email with me. I am going to send you a PM.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     29 May 2014


Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     05 June 2014

Why family cases only, 90% of all witnesses in this country are tutored false witnesses. If all of them are to be prosecuted for prejury you will require a separate judicial system as there are for consumer cases. Instead of trying her for perjury, you try to prove that she is gainfully employed and hence reduce or cancel her maintenance claims.

498_final stage (Professional)     05 June 2014

Dear Dr Ramani,

Here claims are baseless so any how the case would be dismissed. But filing perjury would certainly help me later to convict her when I will file counter cases against her. Can you imagine this woman within a month of marriage started threatening me of these false cases and said that she would pull me to the road.



I have these things recorded on my cell phone. Because I had to hear all this on a daily basis. These are just 2 sentences sir... If I give you that audio perhaps you would like to shoot her.

And she is eduacated woman from Kanpur. And needless to mention a GOLD Medalist from University of Lucknow....

If just like others I give them money then why not also offer these woman some PRAMVEER CHAKRA ??/

I know we live in a pathetic country. I can see that it was only a 5 months marriage and I am going to complete 2 years in this case.

But there is something I need to answer to self as well.




RAHUL GUPTA (MANAGER)     05 June 2014

I am too with the advice given to you by  the other  worthy members of this forum .  Do not spoil your life teaching her a lesson for people with these mindset as your wife,  die their own death and trust me at the end it's only truth that prevails and nothing else . 

It is well admitted that all these Domestic Violence and Dowry cases are false and fabricated with malice. Even if they have made you suffer at the end is only the Lady alone repeat alone who would have to bear the brunt of her Malice against for Society will not accept people of this outlook . Her family members would not stand for her in any adversary arising out of Legal complications  later on and she would end up in ruins   

You will not have any problem in settling down and getting accepted in the Society for more than 50%  Household have undergone similar treatment and they know that these cases are fabricated .

So concentrate on your Career / Livelihood,  make it strong and do not suffocate yourself by being revengeful . The more you think about it the more upset you will be . Loss, Agony and Sufferings inflicted  cannot be undone but the aftereffects can be mitigated and assuaged by diverting attention elsewhere . 

I did have this problem but to divert my attention I did Post Graduation in Engineering and now I am happily remarried with another lady and we have two pretty kids now. My first wife has been forgotten by the society and now everyone blames her for her own ruin . 

498_final stage (Professional)     05 June 2014

Boss... but how would people know that this girl was married before????? For example there is a possibility even with me that she was married before??? can you imagine Gurgaon ASI told me to investigate about her???

So my question to you is very simple - even if this girl is sent to jail,how the third person she would approach would know that she has done all this sh*t before???

RAHUL GUPTA (MANAGER)     06 June 2014

You are working on too many issues . Your priority should be to salvage Yourself, Your Sister and Mother from this mess . My advice is around this and not how to prevent the girl from remarrying . You can put up an AAM SOOCHNA in newspapers in Kanpur,  all those affected would approach you and you can fight your case with them .

498_final stage (Professional)     06 June 2014

Ok. Now how this AAM SUCHNA would not translate into Defamation for me???

Dr. MPS RAMANI Ph.D.[Tech.] (Scientist/Engineer)     08 June 2014

In the Aam Suchana you give your story with the girl and also proof, if you have,  that she was married earlier. Then state that anyone dealing with her will be doing it at their own peril. Defamation suit and convictions are not that easy.

Your record of abuses showered on you by the girl are hurting, but will be no use in a court of law. If one male addresses another male as "saley" it is considered as an abuse with s*xual connotations. But what is the meaning if a woman and that too a former wife addresses a man saley? Is she homos*xual? Of course my knowledge of Hindi is poor.

498_final stage (Professional)     08 June 2014

She neither can be homo or lesbo.. Because she is far away from basic humanity.... Interesting points made by Dr Ramani. But she also used to abuse like Mather***d saley..... I have that in my recording ...... So yah in this country woman is even allowed to shoot..... But this language by her clearly stares that she doesn't respect anyone and idea of geting married was just to make money....

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