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rajendra goel (self employed)     02 October 2011

Girls enlarged harmone disese concealed before marriage

My relative at kolkata got his son married with a girl from Ranchi. After six months he found his wife taking medicines for diabetic patients. He got her full body check up at Appollo Hospital Kolkata and diagnosed to be suffering with high B.P.. Sugar, Lever problem, Thyroid etc. She was also having unwanted hairs on her face with symptoms of enlarged male harmone. He contacted his father in law. They refused to give old prescripttion and took there daughter back to Ranchi. Now they have filed a case u/s 198 and court  at Ranchi called for councelling. As husband feels that he was cheated and his life is being spoiled. He does not want his wife back. Any advice or suggestion in the case shall be appreciated.

 4 Replies

A marriage can be considered as void if any fact is concealed by the parties. But one thing i want to mention here is Thyroid and harmone imbalance is not a big disease. If any normal person go for check up he can have such diseases and infact it is not a big deal. What if the girl's suffer from these problems after the marriage?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     02 October 2011

@ Shally

Spouse think of present marital life not future hence such intolerance / discovery become cause of action by either side(s) and morality does not come in way as it is purely a spouse present tense quality of life preference that s/he wants to lead the way h/er life in present tense!!!!!!

. BTW, there
is no instant or permanent cure for "hirsutism" which girl is found to be suffering with due to her hormone imbalance clubbed with diabetic status. 

3. Thyroid and hormone imbalance can be managed with proper care and who in presented briefs situation would want to extend colly. helping hand to this poor girl when the basic understanding between couples has hit rock bottom in one fluke stoke of human nature? Suggesting to them morality lectures is of no use since customs, cultures, local societal norms differ from divergent geographies to education level to what nots which is real reality of customary Asian societies. However ld. Court will do all it can to keep them bonded as its efforts and only time can tell what could be then their social status.

It is sad but that’s all about it!



cheating is never acceptable, whether committed by male or female.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     04 October 2011



There is another thread going on about similar problems.


If you have decided to fight this cheating, fight it out. Giving in today would mean giving in forever,




Shonee Kapoor

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