Sir I have been through your request. It is a common dilly dallying technique used by the accused to escape from the clutches of law for some more time. But what they dont notice is that sooner or later they have to face the consequences. As you have mentioned that you are a retired employee, I presume that you are a senior citizen. In that case you dont have to move high court for your remedy. Simply write a letter by RPAD to the Pricipal District and Session Judge of your area setting out the facts of the case and dont forget to mention your case number and mane of the Court. Mark copy of the same to Registrar, High court of your area, Chief Justice, high court of your area. Sir Courts now adays are very particular about disposing the cases pertaining to senior citizens. You case surely will be transferred to a fast trac court and you will get a speedy disposal. Wish you all the best Sir.