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Raj (t2)     06 October 2014

Got converted to islam without my knowledge

Hi Experts,

I(Hindu) and my wife(Muslim) are residents of Karnataka. We got married in Chennai. We hired a lawyer paying 35000. He got us married under muslim marriage act instead of Special marriage act. And got it registered also by Tamil nadu Govt.

I have no intention of leading life as a Muslim neither my wife wants to convert to Hindu. Thus we want to stick to our beliefs, and get this certificate nullified. I am aspiring for Govt job so i am worried that this religion change that happened could be a hurdle. 

So please suggest how can i get this certificate nullified and marry again under special marriage act.

I am willing to hire/ appoint any lawyer who can get this resolved.




 1 Replies

Venkatesh Naidu Akula (advocate)     06 October 2014

In AP, there is no such an Act, like Tamilnadu muslim marriage Act.according to ur story,before performence of ur marriage,u might have been converted into Islam by the concerned religious persons by performing various religious also u on ur accord can changr to another religion. Obtaining divorce depends on ascertaining the fact whether u were converted into Islam r not bfore ur marrage. It is impartent to note that in India as per our Constitution a Religion is not a bar for any job. Again marrying the same person without dissolving the former , is unknown to law.

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