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Giri (Software Engineer)     01 August 2011

Gpa propery registration


I need small clarrification from the experts. I recently 3 months back , bought a property in bangalore ( near Sarjapur road) 30 * 45 plot.  Sale deed is also executed. Earlier owners(Husband and wife, they can not come to bangalore now . they are residing in Mumbai) had given a GPA to their relative. This GPA has come to the registrar office for the registration. Now i have got BBMP Khata also transferred on my name.

As the GPA was not a registred one( Notarised GPA), Now i wanted to get a confirmation from the previous  owners that the GPA is still valid and they dont have any objection on this land.

So should i go for a declaration/Affidavit from  them. Wil this be sufficient ? or any other option is there( like confirmation deed). pls let me know.

Thanking you in advance.



 2 Replies

girish shringi (advocate)     02 August 2011

Once if the principal had given the GPA to his agenmt and accordingly if the agent completed the taskof execution of the deed,no need to press demand from the primcipal the further confirmation.

The best you can do you can send the copy of the registered deed to him/them to inform them for your satisfaction.

Thereafter if any dispute arises then you have to rpoceed accordingly.

Don't create confusion yourself in the deed in your favour.

Girish Shringi


Giri (Software Engineer)     02 August 2011

Thanks Girish

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