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Sumit Dewan (NA)     16 March 2012


Hi All,

I am seeking for an advice. I am going through with my divorce petition and done with first motion. My second and final motion is due in April. Due, to some official work I would be travelling onsite for sometime. I want to atorneize  my father to sign on behalf of me. My wife is also not residing in india and she have also autornized her father. However, on the first motion we both signed in front of megistrate.  My question for you is as below:-

1). Do I need to make a GPA or SPA in this regards.

2). Do I have to get this GPA or SPA registered as well. 

3). Will there be any stamp duty or registration fee in this regards.

4). If there's any stamp or registration fee than how much that will be.

5). In case it requires to be register than who will register it. 

6). Do I have to appoint any Lawer to get this document done or can I do it myself.

Wating for your response.


 2 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     17 March 2012

Neither of you can authorise any one for 2nd motion of your mutual divorce, since both of you shall have to be present in the Court, depose i.e., give a detailed statement as already given in first motion (on oath) before the Hon'ble Court.

There is no question of GPA/SPA for the issue.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     18 March 2012

I am sorry to disagree, that SPA can work in MCD as well.





Shonee Kapoor

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