Dear Sir/ Madam,
SAM is the native of Tamil Nadu and works in a company in North India, with family. VEN resides in a nearby village in Tamil Nadu. SAM has a property (land) dispute with VEN in Tamil Nadu. The name of the Great, grand father of VEN is the same as that of SAM. By using the name similarity, VEN tries to grab the property unlawfully. VEN’s father has registered (in the office of Sub-registrar in Tamil Nadu) the property of SAM in VEN’s name as gift deed unlawfully. So, SAM filed a case in the court. The case is in the court. As SAM is required to travel between North India and Mumbai due to job requirements, SAM has given General Power of Attorney to GAN, who is a close relative of SAM. The property has been in the possession of SAM so far. The property is fenced.
VEN constantly gives some trouble to SAM. Two days back, in the morning, GAN has seen that the fence has been cut open and provided a wooden door with a lock on it. It appears that this to be cunning work of VEN in order to claim the right of the property unlawfully.
Please provide your valuable legal advice on the following queries:
In the given above situations of cutting the fence, what legal actions can be initiated against VEN as the case is already in the court?
Can GAN initiate the action of “cheating using the name of another person” against VEN?
Can VEN file similar case of Cheating on SAM?
VEN has approached the district registrar to cancel the power of attorney saying that SAM has two voter IDs, which is false. VEN’s idea may be to make difficulty for SAM in attending the court proceedings as SAM is in North India and using this VEN may try to get Ex-parte judgment. Can District Judge cancel the power of attorney?