My grandfather (deceased) had a house that we were living in for 8 years after he passed away. He had 2 sons and 4 daughters. 1 son (my uncle) has passed away and left behind 2 daughters. My brother and I are the other siblings. My dad (son) is handling the property matters now and handed it over to a builder to build 2 duplex houses and sell them.
One of my aunt (grandfather's daughter) is creating lot of trouble and wants the money immediately and is threatening to take legal action against my dad because when the papers were still on my grandfather's name and builder is delaying the process and my aunt thinks my dad is doing this.
My dad has spent all the money renovating the house 2-3 times since it was constructed in 1977. None of the other children offered to even help. He has been paying the property tax all these years. And now all the sisters want equal share but do not want to bear the costs that my dad paid all this time.
My questions are:
How much can a daughter claim? If she got married before the ruling happened in 1983 can they still claim?
What happens if the house is changed to grandchildren's names?