Abhijit Ghosh (Consultant) 17 June 2014
Kumar Doab (FIN) 17 June 2014
Your query posted in this thread on Notice Period/pay and Gratuity both has been addressed in detail repeatedly in other threads initiated by you at:
The link to various threads has also been provided on Notice Period/pay and Gratuity to you.
The concerned employee/your client have to take steps to recover Gratuity……..
Pls elaborate why same query is being posted again and again and precisely what is the difficulty being faced by concerned employee.
You have posted in one of the threads that you are practicing as Tax Consultant and therefore you must have understood that FormI may be submitted under proper acknowledgment.
If you are not able to resolve on your own you may approach a local labor consultant/service lawyer.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate) 17 June 2014
well elaborated by Mr Kumar Doab. Nothing more to add.