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Augustine (Student)     24 September 2011

Guidance required for career


Dear Experts


I am a fifth year law student who requires some guidance about what to do with my career.Based in new delhi i have always wanted to pursue a career in litigation.However of late as i have told more and more people about my interest towards this field,many of them have highlighted some of the problems which i may face during my attempt to do litigation.Kindly address them and guide me as i feel i have tremendous potential to do well a a lawyer..


1.I have heard that unless i do not possess a godfather or for that reason anyone from my family in this field it will take me a task to establish myself in this field by myself.

2.Also that it takes a lot of time for one to become financially independent in this line of career.Initially i shall have to be financially dependent on my parents for a long period of time.

3.That today the legal system is overcrowded with lawyers and that unless i am exceptionally talented i shall not be able to earn much.I am very confident about my talent but stil would like to earn a lot of money to ensure my family a healthy and comfortable life,


Kindly address these queries and help me understand a grass root level idea about a career.


Thanking you

Augustine Chatterjee

 7 Replies

Whatever you have heard it's true. Dear Augustine you may have heard that small plants cannot grow longer under the shade of big trees rest you can understand yourself.But it is also true if you have confidence you should persue your career in advocacy. There are so many options like job in a good law firms etc.
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Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     24 September 2011

Dear Augustine

As you say that you are in Final Year in your Law Study, the Litigation is a profession which is the best profession in this world. it is a profession in which you live with dignity.

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Augustine (Student)     24 September 2011

Thank you for your fast and appropriate responses.I shall keep them in mind.


However i would like to respectfully respond to Shally Karloopia.I know about the options available in good law firms.However you see it is the actual arguements in courts which interest me.It is appearing before the judge and speaking on my case which intrigues me and i am confident because i have had plenty of experience with regard to these things at my college through moot courts and debates. Howver i was onyl sceptical of my chances as I am a first generation lawyer and have nobody to guide me besides a senior i would be interning under starting january.


However i shall keep your advise in mind.Please provide me with any other valuable advice.


V.R.Natarajan (Lawyer)     25 September 2011

Dear Augustine Your approach is very honest,but you should have asked these questions when you were in your third year.The three points you had raised are true but they are baseless, they were spoken by people who didnot want to work but to make easy money.If you are willing to work hard,be sincere,our legal proffession is the best to make money, name and fame,irrespective of the fact you are just a pass in law exam or have lawyer family.Certainly no Godfather is needed. Even before you leave law college,find a lawyers office of mediocre type (not a big firm of lawyers). Go and ask for assistant, even clerical,post. Do not mind the salary.The moment you leave your law school and week ends And whenever you get a free time, attend to all jobs, help filing papers, Writingcourt diaries and go thru all law journals. Befriend a junior in the Office, he will take you to all case filing offices, get to knowbench clerks Know all different type of courts.qyou see or even meet other lawyers. Attimes, you can evenwatch other lawyers arguingbig cases. Watch how they argue and act before judges. Watch cross examination in civil and criminal cases. Do these things sincerely, then you will become a full fledged lawyer by the time you enroll yourself an advocate. You may join the same office and by then you will be able to take a good decision about your future. There is no shortcut methods. If you are sincere, you can makemore money than anywhere else and you will be a godfather soon. Iam making the above Suggestion purely bypersonal experience. Good luck. V.R.Natarajan,Advocate,Madurai purely by personal experience

V.R.Natarajan (Lawyer)     25 September 2011

What we learn in law college or our argumentsn in moot court cannot help us In real life court have to follow otherlawyers argument in court, discuss itwith. Your senior friends, where they went wrong. Read,read and read law journals, make yourself updated about recent judgements.Keep a diary of important judgements. Try probono cases thru free legal aid Forum, when you get a chance to appear and argue in several cases, until you start getting your own not aim for money in the beginning. Every leading lawyer had worked very hard to reach thisposition. Try to argue cases with friends. Dont take anything for granted, just because some bigshot lawyer says. Dont fight shy to clarify any legal position.Always be friendly with court staff and respect seniors.and fight for your client. V.R.Natarajan,Advocate

Augustine (Student)     25 September 2011

Mr natarajan

Thank you sir for taking out time to write such a detailed reply to my query.I sincerely read your reply twice.I would like to share with you sir that i have tried my bit to already gain experience at the courts.I have already done two internships,one at the high court and one at the district court and have hence gained whatever idea i can regarding the procedures as well as the technical know how of the work.

You have also reflected on certain court ethics which i shall definitely keep in mind.And i shall try my level's best to work hard and one day hoepfully reach to the level that you have established for yourself.I am aware that there are no shortcut methods sir and the reason i have chosen litigation is for the pure passion of speaking before a house.And if that means a few years of struggle then i am more than willing to dedicate my career in this direction.

Any more guidance from you is highly appreciated Sir.Thanks again

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     28 October 2011

This forum per se will give you quiet some handson. Keep learning multiple aspects. Try social service that has been adviced. But, be open to acknowledging the fact that learning is never complete and that it is a life long process. In fact, I know of couple of gentle men, a professionals who are well established and have number of successes to their credit. I got acquainted with these souls through this forum. They dedicate few hourss every week for social service.  They have recorded these details on their websites and do practice the way they have recorded.

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