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Dheeraj (Lawyer/Attorney)     06 March 2011

Guidance to provide litigation help to needy and poor people

Dear Members,

           I am a practising lawyer at the Punjab and Haryana High Court. I want to help poor and needy people, who are in want of justice but due to their poor financial status they are not able to afford the litigation procedure. I would appriciate all the responses of learned members who can share their experiences and tell as to how to start working for the same.

 5 Replies

PRNarayanan (Regional manager)     07 March 2011

I appreatiate your kind heartedness to help.         Will U be sure to get justice if so when ?  Time to find justice , is sure would be a very harsh experience.  

1 Like


Dear Dheeraj,


In this materialistic world, even a kind thought like this is appreciable.  I am sure that at the root of this thought must have been your family values.  

I have been doing it for decades (rendering free legal advice).  At times, I have faced the following practical problems :  


1. Hindu Shastra (holy books) says that whereas it is a punya (good deed) to help the su-patras (those who deserve it), it is simultaneously a paap (sin) to help the ku-patras (undeserving ones).  [This is so because when you  divert the resources which you have earmarked for the deserving ones, inadvertently to the undeserving ones, you do not give to deserving ones what you had capacity to give to them].  Therefore, you will have to be very careful while deciding who is the deserving one.

2. Another maxim that comes into play is "Ghora Ghaas se yari karega, to khayega kya?" (If the horse befriends the grass, what would it eat?").  Therefore, you will have to maintain a careful  balance between the the paid and free work - also because out of the paid work you can help more deserving people.

3. When other persons to come to know of your kind-heartedness, it is not very long before they start crowding you (word of mouth travels at great speeds !), think of you as an exploitable emotional fool and start "using" you.  Do not let that happen.  [Sometimes, instead of actually helping others, all that you should do by way of a substitute is that let listen to them sympathetically, let them cry on your shounder, offer them a cup of tea, pat them and then say that you are unable to help (even if you are able to).

Having said so, I would also hasten to add that none of the above means that you should not help the needy. Do it, but make sure that the person is really needy and by helping them you do not soon come into need yourself.  This Earth needs people like you - that is what makes is livable.

I hope the above helps.




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Raju Ramparag Gupta (Advocate)     09 March 2011

Answer by SK Verma is really based on huge experience.

Nice Answer.

Dheeraj (Lawyer/Attorney)     09 March 2011

Mr Verma,

   I really appriciate and thank you for your elaborate explanation. I agree with all the three points you have mentioned in your reply, but sir, if we continue to neglect such people they will never get justice. Moreover, the profession of law makes a person more smart, clever and cunning, so as a lawyer, nobody will forget about them. I believe the motivation, guidance and support of people like you can prove to be a big help for those needy persons. Thank you!

Dheeraj (Lawyer/Attorney)     10 March 2011

Dear Members,

                        With all due regards I would appriciate your feedbacks and suggestions ..please feel free to say anything you feel. But kindly give your valuable suggestions!

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