Dear Alex,
You do not want to hurt your father, but you are also feeling sad that you left your wife on his words. Finally you are the person to decide for your self. People seem to use you for their needs.
If you want to live life, Treat people around you the way you want to be treated your self. You cannot please all. You have to decide whom you want to live with. If you think your father has exploited you, you need to take a decision accordingly. As written by someone above, you have to take decisions in to your way, but not to hurt others. If you think that your wife was good you should get her back. If you think you cannot make her happy again do not go for another marriage too.
Regarding the psychological counseling , they can help you as long as you are open to live different from now. They can remove the hurt feelings from you and reduce your burden. Human beings do comitt mistakes, but when they repeat, we are not human. If you are repenting for the past, change the way and communicate with the people involved to get the damage minimized if not completely reverse it. If you feel repentent, you need not feel low and remain like that. You need to get back to action in proper way gradually if not suddenly. The psychological counseling helps removing the guilt in you. If you always feel guilty and low, you cannot make the things go in right path in future. Finally only you can help your self and god supports you in your good intentions.
Afterall, if you are repenting for the past deeds you have to go differently from now. Your father has done what "he felt" good for you- some of them helped you and some of them hurt you and your wife. If you cannot talk to or write to him directly about how you want to go ahead, you can use some close friends or trusted mediators. If he scolds you, and you cannot keep away from him, just keep silent. You need not argue with him or fight back. He will realize the things gradually that you want to go in a different way. Remaining silent with some dominating people will help.
If you have good intentions, you can always go in the direction you want and things will help you gradually. You may not succeed in all aspects immedaitely, but you will see the difference and that will help you to proceed further. If you want to go ahead, you need clarity. In this type of situations, clarity cannot be expected for distant future.
With my experience, I can say, you have to convey your apologies to your wife and in-laws immediately and whole heartedly. That will bring some peace to you and then you will start seeing the things with more clarity. Dont be afraid of the cases and punishments. If you are supposed to get them you cannot stop them by not conveying your apologies. The punishment given by our inner self ( conscience) is the hardest we can get compared to any external person or court's punishment.
Look ahead with good intentions, things will be okay and I wish you all the best !