Today i was provoked by the security guard of our society. He was extremely rude, abusive as well as challenged me to come and settle the matter face to face. My call had been regard to look for my driver as i could not get through his cell. The boy was on campus but coulkd not be found.Its a rule that the guards keep a strict watch on the staff that enters our society. This request was asked as a favor. He refused and i was ok with it but the tone that he used was wrong.I requested him to check his tone not once but thrice.After which he challenegd me to come and settle this face to face.I tried calling the societys president but his phone was not reachable.After repeated volley of abuses i decided that it was enough.I wne t downstairs to the guard room.he provoked me and assaulted me.After which i defended myself.i did not hit him.i had no intentions of getting into a fight with this man.He took the law in his hands.I didnt.I kow that he is not my personal servant.My societys prsident agreed with the fact that it was the guard that was at fault.What precautions and actions can i take to prevent such incidents in the future?