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Satish Kumar (student)     12 August 2012

Harassment by sending sms !

Are sending SMS to subordinates  a part of  any rule of Government or PSU  ?   Are there any guidelines by Central Government or PSU  for using Mobile phones for sending SMS  ( threatening / harrasment).   Can the receiver of SMS (threatening or harrasment)  lodge a FIR at Police Station ?   Please help me.

 5 Replies


Sending of Vulgar SMS has nothing to do with Civil Dispute between the parties Bombay High Court Rohit Vedpaul Kaushal Versus State of Maharashtra through Inspector General of Police & Others CRIMINAL APPLICATION NO. 1879 OF 2007 Coram : JUSTICE C. L. PANGARKAR Dated : 11-08-2007 Rule. Returnable forthwith. 2. Heard finally with consent of parties. 3. This is an application under Section 482 of Criminal Procedure Code seeking to quash F. I. R. registered by the police at Chandrapur. 4. Few facts may be narrated as follows: Applicant is a student of 1 st year MBA at Sikkim Manipal University in Himachal Pradesh. The applicant and non applicant's daughter were studying at a school at Barmana together. They fell in love and used to meet each other frequently. They also continuously used to talk with each other on phone. The non applicant No.3's daughter Bhumika later sought admission in Dental College and was studying and staying at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh. She however used to visit the house of the applicant and even used to stay over night3 regularly. It is alleged that on 05.11.2005 the applicant and the daughter of the non applicant No.3 got married. The non applicant


surjit singh (Assistant)     13 August 2012

Vulgar SMS attract penal consequences, sending unnecessary SMS is also a type of harassment. So far sending SMS as regard official work is concnred to some extent it can be accepted, but sending unnecessry SMS to a lady colleague may be fatal sometime. There is no guidelines for sending SMS in any central Governenet or PSU, but it depends on the practice of that particular PSU so far it does not exceeds the limit of tolerance

Satish Kumar (student)     15 August 2012

Thanks, Surjit Singh and Beni Prasad !  


I look foward for your  valuable suggestion : Can I lodge a FIR against my Officer who is harrasing me by sending SMS everyday ? or  Should I inform to Police in writing about SMS harrasment ? Please guide me.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     18 August 2012

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     07 April 2014

yet another thread

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