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Pushp   03 September 2018

Harassment by sis in law and her family

Dear Lawyers, my brother and parents have been mentally tortured by my sister in law and her brothers. They are very abusive and every now and then they come to our place and talk abusive to my brother and parents. My brother sometimes drinks ( Alcohol) and they create an issue of that. My brother has been married since 2009 and since then we are witnessing these abuses. Everything is good at my parents place in terms of living status and all but still they keep abusing us and make false allegations. My parents are senior citizens, my father went into depression (due to age factor perhaps) in 2008 and my mom has high bp problem. They have a very good rapport among our relatives and neighbours. But still my sis in law has issues with everything, she always tries to make mountain out of mole hill. And then she and her brothers accuse my brother of his drinking habit. And falsely accuse him of beating her. They are now threatening to file a dowry case. In the recent weeks, they have reached all of our relatives and tried to defame my parents and brother, but none of our relatives stood by them. Every now and then my sister in law throws the Jewellery given by my mother and when then asks for it again after few days. This time she accused that my mom snatched away the Jewellery from her (which she's wearing) which is not true at all. My mom is 4'10 n sister in law is 5'6 and she is quite huge. She is always ready to start an argument out of no where and then blames my brother of drinking. My brother has quit drinking since this issue has become such a worst case. He is so much depressed and wants to commit suicide. We are very helpless, don't know what to do. Please confirm how my parents and brother can ask for protection and also my brother wants to file for divorce. He has 2 kids, 8years n 5years old. My brother gives money to my sister in law as well but since there's no proof of that we cannot prove it. She says, my father gets his pension, my mom takes the rent amount from tenant, brother gets the salary,there's nothing for me. But my parents run all the household and they dont keep any money with them. They are very depressed and disheartened. One day she created ruckus and asked my parents to register the plot owned by my father on her name. My brother is the only son. Please advise what should we do, we are very helpless now.

 4 Replies

Adv Deepak Joshi +917017821512 (Advocate)     03 September 2018

Dear querist,

One side you say your brother is only son and other you as brother.

You cannot stop wife from putting allegation but she need to prove in court in case she file any case.

You can sit with elders of both family and talk about this issue, if that does not help your brother can file Contested Divorce under cruelty.

But remember she will also file counter cases.

It is better ask husband to live separately from parents in order to save them from vague allegations.


Deepak Joshi & Associates

Mb/whatsapp +919456777600

Pushp   03 September 2018

Hello Mr Joshi, I am the sister.

Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     04 September 2018

Having gone through it all...  What I should have done but did not do and suffered as a result.... 

Unfortunately, there are no laws for husbands to seek protection from wives (unlike DV Act).  So, offense is the best defense.When she gives her jewelry next time, do not return it back. Have your brother beat the sh*t out of her but not with witnesses around and not too badly so as to cause any real injury but let her get what she alleges. Make life so difficult that she files for divorce. The hell with public opinion and what relatives and neighbors will think. Don't give a damn for such opinions. When she files for divorce, actually admit to some of her allegations whatever they may be but not dowry (hopefully you are not practicing that anyway).  The Court will have no other choice but to grant divorce if you admit to some of her allegations. 

Do not admit to beating her but admit to minor offenses which will give her basis to get divorce based upon mental cruelty or alcoholism or whatever.

Fight tooth and nail for maintenance issues. 

Get divorced and be done with her. Then, when it comes to paying maintenance, make her run to the Courts to get it... never pay it in time.  Tit for Tat!

Jo Dar Gaya wo Mar Gaya.  So... go for it. Ask your brother to forget her, to get rid of her and find a good woman and be happy for the rest of his life or stick with this b*tch and screw his own life and his parents and yours too.  Finally... make sure that your brother gives up alcohol but admit in Court that he is alcoholic to get divorce!!!  

Advocates ask husbands to defend divorce cases all the time. In some cases, it makes sense. In most cases, admitting is the best way out. So... in conclusion... make her file a divorce case and be done with her. If she files domestic violence case, just drag the case... thats what happens usually.



Samir N (General Queries) (Business)     04 September 2018

Please note that I am not encouraging violence but mild beating ONLY to the extent that she is falsely alleging. 

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