Elankannan (Scientific Assistant) 21 July 2017
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 22 July 2017
Your duty is to seek permission, and you have appleid for it, there is a rule stating that if there is no response within 3 months it amounts to deemed approval / saction, then why are hesitating to add this in your Curriculam . Submit such certificate as you have forwarded your application through proper channel and no objection /rejection was made by your immediate superior.
Where is the harassment you have imputed ? The rules are insulted against such harassment.
Susen Nath 22 July 2017
Kumar Doab (FIN) 23 July 2017
If there is a rule on deemed approval then your interest can be guarded.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 23 July 2017
Still apply your rapport, goodwill, skills to resolve the matter with your skills, request, represntations...........
Remain gentle and amiable....