Dear Sir(s)/Madam,
we are tenants of a rented(landlord owned) property.
Recently a lawyer has come to stay in our building.
Since day one he has been creating nuiscamce for the other tenants.
Few months back he abused a tenant and threatened to assault him.We approached the local police station,where his arrogance was cut to size. But he has not changed his ways.
In a recent building meeting. it was decided unanimously that servants shud not be permitted to use lift for goiing down(bldg only 5 flrs).most of the tenents also dont use lift for going down. This was done to prevent misuse of lift, enhance life of lift, save electricity.
What all tenants agreed upon was not acceptable to him.He said my servants/maid will continue to use lift, nobody shud stop them.
And henceforth, i wont pay any lift maintenence or water usage charges, if anybody has the guts shud try and stop me.
Earlier also he has taken an illegal water connection (right near the outlet from water tank) from overhead water supply tank, bypassing the regular supply pipeline
He is the landlords civil affairs lawyer. The landlord is men with a golden heart. We tried to bring his misdeeds to the notice of the landlord, but our explanations fall on deaf ears. He along with another employee of the landlord, poison the mind of the landlord with lies and half truths and baseless allegations.The landlord never visits the building.
This person is making life difficult for all of us.We are on tenterhooks.We say one thing, he twists and contorts facts and presents a opposite picture to the landlord.
What shud we do, what legal recourse shud we take.
Approaching the landlord hasnt got any results on earlier occassions, nor will it now.
Please advise.
Rafiq Yusuf