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498_final stage (Professional)     22 December 2014

Has anyone filed counter cases against 498a wife and won?

has anyone filed counter cases against 498a wife and won?

 6 Replies

Milan (Management)     22 December 2014


I personally advice don't file counter case but file quashing petion which is quick and immediate relief if you think you are right and if in quash petition if court granted stay on 498a and if your case is stronger so filed misuse of law and false complained filed case in district court with defamation suit as well.



498_final stage (Professional)     22 December 2014

Hi Milan, Thanks for the input. I am already pursuing that for 498a. However, I want to file counter cases against them for filing false cases against me.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     27 December 2014

What do you mean by counter case for 498A?, do you mean to lodge an assault case?  Better challenge her false case on the merits on your side and be safe instead of getting into legal troubles again.

498_final stage (Professional)     27 December 2014

Do you think a man can file an assault case against a women in india?? If that is some kind of satire or joke from you then please you better do not respond.

By counter cases I mean once I am acquitted from these false cases. The girl and her mother have made an intentional false statement in Domestic Violence case in Kanpur. While she is earning about 1lakh rs per month, it is been proved that she lied in the court after taking the oath.

2) I have her audio recording saying all this bullsh*t which she has done. I recorded it to show it to her mother. By the time I told her mother the truth, they filed cases.

3) Right before a week of filing cases, the girl clearly mentioned that she want a divorce from me and she has told this decision to her mother. But for insulting us in the society, they came to my parent's house and abused us (Complaint filed with ghaziabad SSP).

My father died of a heart attack with all this.

Now she has finally filed for divorce since she has another target for sure. Till the time of marriage her father never lived with her and left them and married some other women. Now some Mr Trivedi who happen to be a lawyer in Kanpur claim that lady to be her daughter and threat me. A man who's name is not on invitation card, never showed up, was not in the marriage then how is he suddenly her father?

Can you tell me what do with such circus??? When I have strong evidences then why the hell I cant fight for justice. that also when I know I have not done anything?

So kindly guide accordingly. I know I have done a crime to born in India and marry her. So it is a conspiracy and I just want justice.....




harish (finance)     28 November 2015

My 498a wished by HC. I had filled case against my inlaw with strong evidence of recording and document but police file FR on this case. She had appeal in SC which is still pending. It is clearly that police and judge cannot take action

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     28 November 2015

if you will file  a cross case of false allegation of at this stage (which is not sustainable as on now) it will gve a motivation to opposite party to win the case at any cost and even challange acquittal if at all you are acquitted.


this way you may not get benefited by subseuent lukewarm approach of opposite party.


It is you r money and energy you are free to waste the same.

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