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Sagnik (Management Trainee)     16 January 2013

Hearing on priority basis in ncdrc

Dear all,

Our matter is pending since quite sometime at the NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTE RESOLUTION CELL. Due to certain exigencies we need to get our matter heard & get the dispute resolved as soon as possible. Hence is there any way in which we can get our matter heard at the National Consumer Dispute Resolution Cell on a priority basis ?

Sagnik Sanyal

 5 Replies

SAM (LEGAL)     16 January 2013

Dear Sagnik,

           If you want to get ur dispute resolved fast and get ur matter heard, for this ur case needs to be of such most importance that it should affect you directly at large and it also Depends upon the grevity of the case

1 Like

Sagnik (Management Trainee)     16 January 2013

So the same is possible? Can anyone kindly guide us as to what is generally done to avail such a hearing in a priority basis at the NCDRC? Do we have to have to make an appeal before the Commison or a simple letter explaining the situation shall suffice ?


Sagnik Sanyal

Kumar Doab (FIN)     16 January 2013


Dear Sagnik,

Mr. Sam has given valuable advice. Kindly follow it.

Your case may be different.

However as per:




New Delhi, the 31st May, 2005.






G.S.R. 342(E). - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 30A of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986), the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations, namely:-



26. Miscellaneous

(6) The cases filed by or against the senior citizens, physically challenged, widows and persons suffering from serious ailments shall be listed and disposed of on a priority basis.

In case of:

Central Information Commission

Mrs.Geeta Narain vs Ministry Of Communications And ... on 20 October, 2011

“all the applications for early hearing filed by any party including the cases filed as per Regulation 26(6) were listed before Bench No. 1 by the Registry. It is the judicial prerogative of the Bench to direct the Registry to list the case on out of turn while allowing the application for early hearing.”

Kindly keep this thread updated.

The inputs shall help many.

Attached File : 839724084 mrs.geeta narain vs ministry of communications and ... on 20 october, 2011.pdf, 839724084 ncdrc notification.doc downloaded: 467 times

Sagnik (Management Trainee)     17 January 2013

Thank you so much Mr Kumar Doab. Kindly tell me that in our case we shall not fall in the said category of section 26(6), hence even then will we too shall have a chance of having an early hearing? Regards, Sagnik Sanyal

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 January 2013

Mr. Sam has given valuable advice. Kindly follow it, and highlight your case effectively.

Valuable advice of learned experts/members is sought.

It is felt that consumer organizations are given some kind of preference.


16. Appearance of Voluntary Consumer Organisations.-(1) Recognised Consumer Organisations have a right of audience before the Consumer Forum


The priority listing/urgent matter guidelines in courts may help you in some kind.

Supreme Court of India Practice an Procedures

b. liSting

(vi) priority listing of certain matters: { Page 41}


(viii) Urgent Matters :



Suits by or against persons in MilitaryService.


6. Civil   Courts  should  dispose  of   all   suits,   for  the

prosecution   or   defence   of   which   officers,

soldiers   or   reservists   have   obtained   leave   of

absence   as   speedily   as  is  consistent   with   the

administration  of   justice,   irrespective  of   the

order in which they stand on the register.



Kindly keep this thread updated.

The inputs shall help many

Attached File : 1053515670 handbook3rdedition(4).pdf downloaded: 196 times

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