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Please Help (bbbb)     08 January 2015

Help, its very urgent

Hi All,


One of my friend is fighting divorce case from last 1 year but there are no any decision has taken by court still. She has the custody of her kids both are minor. She is earning good with good back support. But what happened that she is fallen in love with somebody recently with somebody.


Now she is totally confused what to do. Is she rethink about this relationship or she can continue this relationship?


Please please help her.

 8 Replies

Daksh (Student)     08 January 2015

Dear BBBB, In my humble and considerate opinion it is more sort of counselling issue than that of a legal one.  Once she opted for divorce proceedings she should have known that it may take time more what  she has contemplated.  Now be that may the best course is to have all the pros and cons examined i.e. having a mutual divorce and taking the new lover into the confidence keeping in view long term perspective in mind.  Hope this clarifies

Thanks and best regards







Please Help (bbbb)     08 January 2015

Dear Daksh, I am not getting you point. Sorry

DISHA D. SHAH (lawyer)     08 January 2015

no legal issue here ...

Jai Karan Nagwan (consultant)     08 January 2015

Is her husband or your friend filed case for divorce? Is the custody of the children are granted by court? Beyond the legality, as Disha said, it is more of counselling decision. Speak to your friend, if the new relationship will have long term sustainability. If this is real love or outcome out of desperate and loneliness. Think thrice before act. Think future of kids. Think if she is ready to go away from her kids. Over the all, if your friend marry during the divorce proceeding, marriage will be of no avail in the eyes of law and husband can also proceed with criminal action. Please understand it will take long time to finish this proceeding in the normal course of action.

Shantilal Pandya ( Advocate)     08 January 2015

There is no legal point involved  except to say that if your friend continues her affair  she will be guilty of criminal offence at the instance of her husband,  at the most she can get expedited her divorce case, and wait till its  decision.   

Sandeep Hegde(89 717 84 550) (Advocate)     08 January 2015


if you are asking for the advice about what is the best available option so that she can marry her new found boyfriend, then i can advice that, it is best to settle the dispute amicably with her husband and go for the Mutual consent divorce and then going for re marriage.





Sandeep Hegde


Please Help (bbbb)     09 January 2015

Thanks all. Mean she should rethink about this relationship? Actuly her friend loves her children like his own children. N ready to accept them. So then after also is this issue for custody case?

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     15 January 2015

Bravo ! the Empowered SHE !!

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