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indranil saha (lawyer)     15 May 2014

Help me

i am an advocate of calcutta high court ...passed and started practising just for 1 and half present i am facing a huge problem my wife really having some problems from very past i tried to resolve as per my levels

recently on 20th of february, in laws and my wife together came into our flat and assaulted me and my mom and my wife,from early of january 2014 ,my wife is pressuring to register the present flat in her name we dont agreed even our flat is not registered, only my mom got the possesion letter in her behalf and completely she purchased the flat....we were locked and they continued hitting and slang languages ,one of our neighbour forced the door  to open us, i ran to the nearest police station and pleaded for help.....police came with lady constables and resqued us ....that very night she left the house with her parents and with my daughter  still now threating us. in between they lodge a complain in women grievances kolkata (lalbazar)....after the meeting over their the officers also realized that she have a mental problem also ...and ended up in our favour may be.


we complain and loged an fir  in that very night 20th feb  in the local police station and they also tried to outrage of modesty on 4th march 2014...with my mom again when i was in court not present in home , again we loged and fir with an amc to the local ps


20th feb and 4 th march   2 fir loged police took no steps, we filed a 156 crpc and the magistrate allowed the 156 crpc with all the 11 sections , and 91 crpc and 164 crpc all are completed and various reconcillation also result from that end  ,i am planning to file a divorce now on the ground of  cruelty......


can i get a divorce on this ground after all this ?

she is now pretending and saying to return to continue in my life and in behind threating both us to kill .....


she have mental problems and as well as gynological problems all the reports are forwarded to the various departments as well as the dc of police also...we dont hav congjugal life nearly for 6-7 months


she already in 2009 gave a written statement of stridhan and declare that she will not demand any thing.


i hav a issue of a girl child 2 yrs and 4 months ....i hav not seen my daughter for nearly 2 and half months ....can i  get the custody or demand it ?


wht should be my minimum alimony as i am a  newly enrolled lawyer and not have any permanent income ?


my wife present demand is my moms flat in her name  and a lumpsum money....which is nxt 2 impossible she demande 2 crores or  monthly of rs 50 thousand mom gets a minimum pension and my income is not permanent

i have sent various money oders on behalf of my daughter and wife all are refused, i am helpless and dont know can i be out from this trouble and can i get back my daughter .........................pls pls sugesst  as i a fellow member like u as a lawyer


 4 Replies

great india (manager)     15 May 2014

What you have done is superb till now. Why a dv case not yet lodges by your mom against the assailants??? Obtain a DIR from locak p.s. Run DV and make all assailants as parties. Obtain injunct orders temporary and permanent. Arrange alternate accommodation asap. Do all things asap and then go for a divorce or judicial seperation on mental cruelty and unsound mind.

K.K.Ganguly (Advocate)     16 May 2014

1. I have exactly similar case for whch I first filed a divorce suit and then managed to get AB  for my client and his parents,


2. Before filintg divorce case, I had asked my client to take up a rented house & I had sent legal notice to her for joinin him with in 7 days,


3. The crux of the matter is to seperate your parents from you,


4. There should be a complete and comprehensive litigation planning to tackle such problems,


5. You take the stand for not paying any money or least money to her.


T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     16 May 2014

Well advised by Advocate Mr. Ganguly on the subject issue, you may follow the same for the present.  For child's custody, secure the documentary evidence for her mental illness, if you can procure one.

Originally posted by : indranil saha

i am an advocate of calcutta high court ...passed and started practising just for 1 and half present i am facing a huge problem my wife really having some problems from very past i tried to resolve as per my levels

recently on 20th of february, in laws and my wife together came into our flat and assaulted me and my mom and my wife,from early of january 2014 ,my wife is pressuring to register the present flat in her name we dont agreed even our flat is not registered, only my mom got the possesion letter in her behalf and completely she purchased the flat....we were locked and they continued hitting and slang languages ,one of our neighbour forced the door  to open us, i ran to the nearest police station and pleaded for help.....police came with lady constables and resqued us ....that very night she left the house with her parents and with my daughter  still now threating us. in between they lodge a complain in women grievances kolkata (lalbazar)....after the meeting over their the officers also realized that she have a mental problem also ...and ended up in our favour may be.


we complain and loged an fir  in that very night 20th feb  in the local police station and they also tried to outrage of modesty on 4th march 2014...with my mom again when i was in court not present in home , again we loged and fir with an amc to the local ps


20th feb and 4 th march   2 fir loged police took no steps, we filed a 156 crpc and the magistrate allowed the 156 crpc with all the 11 sections , and 91 crpc and 164 crpc all are completed and various reconcillation also result from that end  ,i am planning to file a divorce now on the ground of  cruelty......


can i get a divorce on this ground after all this ?

she is now pretending and saying to return to continue in my life and in behind threating both us to kill .....


she have mental problems and as well as gynological problems all the reports are forwarded to the various departments as well as the dc of police also...we dont hav congjugal life nearly for 6-7 months


she already in 2009 gave a written statement of stridhan and declare that she will not demand any thing.


i hav a issue of a girl child 2 yrs and 4 months ....i hav not seen my daughter for nearly 2 and half months ....can i  get the custody or demand it ?


wht should be my minimum alimony as i am a  newly enrolled lawyer and not have any permanent income ?


my wife present demand is my moms flat in her name  and a lumpsum money....which is nxt 2 impossible she demande 2 crores or  monthly of rs 50 thousand mom gets a minimum pension and my income is not permanent

i have sent various money oders on behalf of my daughter and wife all are refused, i am helpless and dont know can i be out from this trouble and can i get back my daughter .........................pls pls sugesst  as i a fellow member like u as a lawyer

And you are a lawyer?  What a kind of lawyer are you man? why simply call yourself lawyer and insult other lawyers?


What kind of lawyer are you?


If this is the kind of lawyers we have in the country, no doubt litigants keep roaming to court halls for ever and ever. Shame, you could not solve your own case.  Atleast like this lawyers like you will understand plight of common people who are ignorant about law and are taken for a ride by dubius lawyers. My advice to you is "Be honest hereafter with each case you get in your career as lawyer."

When you slept with your wife then your wife did not have mental problem? you fcuked her and a female child is born out of the wedlock and now you tell she has mental problems?


why did she start hitting you in the first place. you dont look a saint, that you took beatings, just by going the way you speak to people whom you ask advice, you also must have done something to her that she started acting crazy.


Now you want your daughter but you dont want wife, if your wife has got mental problems, will your daughter not have mental problems? Think again. She is also carrying same genes you ldiot.


BTW agree with learned Kalisevan sir and Mr Ganguly.

MY ADVICE TO YOU IS: Give 2 crores and that flat to her and get MCD u/s 13 b.  

You deserve what is happening to you. You dont have manners, first ask your motehr to teach manners to you, then come ask on public forum advice.

Dont send PMs calleng me bad names out of your mental frustration.


Wait for some time, I will suggest you perfect Idea to get out of this mess which your wife has created for you.  Never be rude to anyone who gives you advice !.

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