Hi all,
I fileed RCR and first and second notice desatched to their local court, but the notice to their home is they are not responding and just returned..
Now sending 3rd notice.. and the date of their appear is now more then 3 month..So my advocate say that if they will not atend this time as weel, then we will get experty.. (some body say that after that paper publication is needed, is it ture or by this 3rd notice itselt it will get experty?)
My advocate is saying that incease we get experty then quickly we can file divorce (why to wait for another one year)..Can you suggest me on this?
In case after my experty the court will ask to wait for year, then in this on year for what purpose? (can she request to court for reunion in thsi one year period?) Basically I don't want to take her any more..
Please suggest me onthis..
Thank you in advane..