I had given 46000 rupees loan to a person 2 years ago and that person gave me the following in writing:
"This is to certify that Mr. Tanmoy Sen, S/o S. Sen is residing in my house situated at....and the said address could be used as his address in West Bengal and I promise to pay Mr. Tanmoy Sen or order a sum of Rs.46000/- and I agree that if any dispute will arise regarding this Rs. 46000/ then the same dispute will be referred to Mr. Saikat Roy who will act as sole arbitrator and whose decision will be final and binding upon me."
Signed by Ranjan Bhowmick
Now, I have just this document and the Ranjan is refusing to pay so what should I do? The above mentioned document is pronote or not? Which legal steps should be taken?
Thanks and regards