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JAYAKRISHNAN (IT)     18 December 2014

Help me to vacate the tenant due to not giving the houserent

My mother age is 61 she is having one tenant with no agreement and no lease for 15 years.

They are disturbing others with talking bad words, one time she asked why are you doing like this.

They told we will do like this only we cannot vacate the house.

we went police for this issue, they deal him for 6 months time to vacate.

After that six months they told we will not vacate. my mother becomes afraid on this.

At now one year moves, if we ask him now, Tenant is using very bad language against him, they are torturing him and verbally fighting against me and my mother.

Kindly help me to solve the issue because my mother afraid and more worried on this issue.

 6 Replies


you didnt a agreement
you didnt have a lease
things were done only based on you had mentioned
above went to police..who has no power of dealing with tenancy matters.

everything seem to done wrong from the beginning. not sure what state you are in, but try checking out the local rental laws in your state and follow due course of law accordingly...

things have become pro tenant only because of the landlords who skip following the procedures when getting into rental terms.

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Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     18 December 2014

Your mother has to file eviction suit in court against tenant on ground of default in paying  rent and on ground of to local lawyer. 

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JAYAKRISHNAN (IT)     19 December 2014

i discussed with local advocate they told it will take more than one year.

any procedure to fast up the case to vacate the tenant

They are not giving rent for 6 months

i have video and audio on talking bad words and fighting against me.

they are doing bad things frequently

JAYAKRISHNAN (IT)     26 December 2014

kindly advise on my doubts.

saravanan s (legal advisor)     19 January 2015

any property possesed ilegally and openly for twelve years without any opposing or legal action from the owners side is eligible for posession by the illegal occupant because of the ownership through adverse posession.who is paying eb bills, water tax etc

saravanan s (legal advisor)     19 May 2015

 a tenant is always a tenant so you need not worry about the adverse posession as it doesnt make a tenant eligible to claim the property on that basis

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