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Pooja   14 December 2016

Help need with ia and how to proceed further ?

how many copy of interlocutory application one must make before filing it ?

i have filed two complaints against two companies at district cosumer forum patna on in 2015 and one in 2016, but neither has been listed on the comsumer forum website (confonet) and nor their status can be tracked. what can be the reason for it and what can be done to make them online ?

Against whom Contempt of Supreme court can be fieled ? What is procedure of filing the contempt of court ?

the company is xiaomi . i tried emailing , tried calling their customer care number , they have blatanly rufused .
i intend to file a complaint against them as their service center is not providing proper service and the customer care does not reply emails .
How to find company's corporate information , incase their information is not available online .
I tried ministry of corporate affairs site , but could not find the information .

 6 Replies

Zoheb Khatri (Practicing in Mumbai     15 December 2016

What is the purpose of filing Interlocutory Application ?

Followup with Consumer Form for the status of complaint which you filed.

For what purpose you want to file contempt? 

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     15 December 2016

Here goes the procedure for contempt of courts under contemopt of courts in   SECTIONS 14 AND15 'CRIMINAL CONtEMPT OF COURTS aCT.

14. Procedure where contempt is in the face of the Supreme Court or a High Court. ?


When it is alleged, or appears to the Supreme Court or the High Court upon it own view, that a

person has been guilty of contempt committed in its presence or hearing, the court may cause

such person to be detained in custody, and, at any time before the rising of the court, on the

same day, or as early as possible thereafter, shall ?

?(a)? cause him to be informed in writing of the contempt with which he is charged;

?(b)?? afford him an opportunity to make his defence to the charge;

?(c)? after taking such evidence as may be necessary or as may be offered by such person

and after hearing him, proceed, either forthwith or after adjournment, to determine the matter

of the charge; and



?(d)? make such order for the punishment or discharged of such person as may be just.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where a person charged with contempt

under that sub-section applies, whether orally or in writing, to have the charge against him tried

by some Judge other than the Judge or Judges in whose presence or hearing the offence is

alleged to have been committed, and the court is of opinion that it is practicable to do so and that

in the interests of proper administration of justice the application should be allowed, it shall cause

the matter to be placed, together with a statement of the facts of the case, before the Chief

Justice for such directions as he may think fit to issue as respects the trial thereof.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, in any trial of a person charged with

contempt under sub-section (1) which is held, in pursuance of a direction given under sub-section

(2), by a Judge other than the Judge or Judges in whose presence or hearing the offence is

alleged to have been committed, it shall not be necessary for the Judge or Judges in whose

presence or hearing the offence is alleged to have been committed to appear as a witness and

the statement placed before the Chief Justice under sub-section (2) shall be treated as evidence

in the case.

(4) Pending the determination of the charge, the court may direct that a person charged with

contempt under this section shall be detained in such custody as it may specify:

Provided further that the court may, if it thinks fit, instead of taking bail from such person,

discharge him on his executing a bond without sureties for his attendance as aforesaid

If you  appreciate the above answer plese give me all my profile likes.


Pooja   15 December 2016

@Zoheb Khatri i want to file interlocutory because district forum even after two year has not given any jugement, even after two year opposite party has not submitted any written statement, over 12 hearing. CP act , supreme court's jugement, ncdrc jugement has been overlooked , which clearly states and directs to follow the cp act and time bond . I requested many times to give jugement , but forum is giving undue advantage to the lawyer . Since the supreme court judgements directly directs the consumer form in the country . THe forum is saying that they are not capable of observing all the jugements and refusing to follow the act and direction of judgement , hence I want to file concempt of court . I know the status , next date , but question is why is it not listed on the site ? But I do not know anything about order passed ,

VIJAY KUMAR (SELF EMPLOYED)     15 December 2016

It would be better to forward your grievance through online grievance redressal at, you can file your matter under ministry of justice(department). You need to attach document in pdf form. 

vijay kumar (Tutor)     15 December 2016

vijay sir, Please explain .

pgportal does not deal with Court related / Subjudice matters, it clearly states that . Secondly it is only for department and ministries which are under central governemtn, it does not deal with state governement. So how can such grivances be filed there ? 

VIJAY KUMAR (SELF EMPLOYED)     15 December 2016 central govt, one can get grievance catagory as "delay in execution of cases in court" along with other heading under minstry of justice(department). In state matter can be forwarded under other catagory.

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