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a   27 April 2016

Help to file case on wife for abortion before marriage

I have very strong proof against my wife about her abortion before marriage. I have evidence of her chat where she discussed about abortion with her boy friend.Recenlty she appealed DV case in session court after lost interim maintenace by magistrate court and her interim maintenace got passed in session court. Also she filed 498A case against me. 

I have showed her abortion mail in 498A case. can I file case of kill incoent baby before marriage? Is there way to file case for did abortion before marriage?..

Can I file case on the basis of email where she clearely chated with her boy friend to sign 2-3 form to do abortion? 

Is there way can men teach lesson fro such betrayal womens who did abortion before marriage and taking intreim maintenance from husband?



 18 Replies


Now I dnot find to put you into which category. there are nuts, there are cracks, and there is a new breed, which is you.

You married a woman who had an abortion before marriage? What medal you desrve I cant even understand.


And you want to frame her for what? That she got somebody else's baby aborted?  And you filed such document in 498a? And your lawyer filed it?  You both belong to same category of the new breed which are neither nuts or cracks, perhaps both.


Now the ultimate thing is you want to "Can I file case on the basis of email where she clearely chated with her boy friend to sign 2-3 form to do abortion? "

If you are successful in doing that, you and that lawyer will be the first of its kind in India.


Women are like this only, they will do what not and marry as if nothing happnd, dont take offence of my words.


As I have already suggested, better concentrate on going for settlement, take mutual divorce, pay the lady one time alimony like kiccha sudeep.

I am eagerly waiting to hear about further updates in your case.


If her 498a is false, then you can file perjury on her today itself, thats the only way to teach proper lesson to her.


Rest all of your anger though justified does not hold any legal value.


When you get another chance, dont repeat same mistake.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     28 April 2016

Originally posted by : Raju Rastogi
Now I dnot find to put you into which category. there are nuts, there are cracks, and there is a new breed, which is you.

You married a woman who had an abortion before marriage? What medal you desrve I cant even understand.


And you want to frame her for what? That she got somebody else's baby aborted?  And you filed such document in 498a? And your lawyer filed it?  You both belong to same category of the new breed which are neither nuts or cracks, perhaps both.


Now the ultimate thing is you want to "Can I file case on the basis of email where she clearely chated with her boy friend to sign 2-3 form to do abortion? "

If you are successful in doing that, you and that lawyer will be the first of its kind in India.


Women are like this only, they will do what not and marry as if nothing happnd, dont take offence of my words.


As I have already suggested, better concentrate on going for settlement, take mutual divorce, pay the lady one time alimony like kiccha sudeep.

I am eagerly waiting to hear about further updates in your case.

prima-facie agreed


better concenterate on your case on merits.


do you want 498a complaint to be ignored only becasue she had pre-marriage abortion and did not disclose to you.


if girls had abortion before marrige the husband gets no licence to torture her. 


if she married you by hinding any facts still the husband gets no licence to torture her. 



This does not apper to be good defence at all.

Dr Martin Campbell (Doctor)     28 April 2016

@ Mr Sudhir agreed.


On an emotional note, perhaps I might agree on your viewpoint.  She cheated you by hiding her past from you, yes such woman does not deserve any kind of mercy nor compensation in terms of maintennace or alimony, but which judge will agree to it?  Though you have already filed evidence of her previous abortion in 498a, even if you had filed the same in maintenance case, why would the court look at the point in this angle of yours?  Court has looked at ABALA NAARI angle and ordered maintenance for u to pay.


So you are left with option of either going for appeal or going for settlment by asking MCD, of course by offering lumpsum alimony, or you can just ignore courts order to pay alimony, and simply kee evading which I think is the best punishment for such a woman who has cheated you.

a   28 April 2016

HI Experts,

Thanks for quick response.

let me share more details. I got married in Aug 2014. After two month marriage, She opened her gmail account on my lappy and it's remain open. When I checked her account, I found that she did abortion before marriage. I had doubt(s) after s*x with her on first night. Then there was no strong evidence with me. Even I asked her after s*x on first night. But she denied that. 

I asked about abortion when i come know through her mail, then she denied about abortion. She said she had just physical relation with my boyfriend. But then quarrel started between us. She recorded all quarrel and filed DV case against me. I don't want defame her image. So I told her I'll give 10L to take divorce. Also I promised her that I'll never show your these mails to anyone. But she demanded 80L..I fight DV case on my merit and her interim maintenance got rejected becasue she is working women who is earning 50,000/- INR per month. Then she immediatlely filed 498 case against me and my family when her imterim maintenance got rejected. Cops arrested us. We got bail after two days. She demanded at least give 40L to close the matter. I denied her demand. Then she appealed in session court. Session court passed ex party order and interim maintenance 30,000/- INR. I got notice of order from her by courier. Then immediately I reach my advocate, He appealed in Mumbai high court.

Now she demanding 40 lakhs to close the matter. I never expose her abortion and affair yet. I always tried save her prestiage and social reputation. Also I tried close matter thorugh one time alimony. Now 498 case is in court under hearing. 

Now I don't have 40 lakhs to close this case. I have only one option to file case on her against her abortion which did before marriage. I have all those mail which prove that she did abortion and her family members are involved in it.

Please let me know what to do in this situtation. I fighting this case since last 1.5 years. She is continously demanding money to close all matter.

Please give me proper help to me come out from this situation. Is it possible to police complaint on the basis ot abort incocent baby before marriage?. Will police arrest them?. 

The above mentioned all things are true. I require help which will save me and my family from such f*cking b*st*rds..


Born Fighter (xxx)     28 April 2016

As advised by experts above, forget her abortion before marriage as a ground for punishing her. You can only defame her in society. Your wife seems to be in a rage to punish you for exposing her abortion stunt, its a loss of face for her and hence she is demanding huge alimony. In other words she is taking advantage of her own wrong. Such women are mentally sick ! With her criminal mentality she has cleverly planned so that u dont get the notice of appeal filed by her. If what you have narrated is true then i assure you her past would be more horrible than what you have known so far. Dig into her past, there will be can of worms which will bite her n her family if you expose them. Hit her where it hurts her the most. Contact her BF and get him on ur side, im sure she must have blackmailed him for money to abort the child OR may have got married to him before she married you . Look for some legal point where you can sue her. She has already come down to 40L from her earlier 80L have no choice but to fight as u cant afford to pay her 40L. But fight hard and dont panic ...u need lots of patience to fight court cases..........also ensure you tread cautiously and do not defame her in public without any solid proof. There are high chances that her maintenance will get rejected in HC as she is already getting 50kpm salary. All the best !!!

a   28 April 2016

Thanks a lot experts for supporting me in my hard time.


It's really hard time for me and my family. We have gone into jail for two days. I have trid all possible ways. I have contacted her boyfriend. But her f**king boyfriend is not interested to help me.

My wfe and her families are true criminal who wants money. I have  very stong proof of her abortion email. I have given enough time to settle case of court. I thought if I'll defame her image, then may be she will not ready for divorce. So I hadn't defame her image. But now her interim maintenance got passed by session through ex party. 


Now I have decided to give punishment for all the things which she did with me and my family. I have decided to expose her aborion though file police FIR. So is it possible to file FIR and inform police officer to make enquiry of her abortion?..

Will police arrest them if I'll file police complaint against them. Please let me know. Me and my family is really depressed by all these incidents specially her interim maintenance got passed. 


Please let me know can I file police complaint on my b*tch wife who did abortion before marriage. Please let me know best way through which her image will get defame in society legally.

a   28 April 2016

I want to defame her image legally. If I will file police complaint against her, then police will arrest her and her family. In that case, her image automatically get defame in society legally.


Please let me know can police take complaint as cognizant offense for abortion did before marriage. Abortion is nothing but kill inocent baby. Can it become cognizalbe offence ?.. What is best way to make abortion before marriage is cognizable offense and police will areest them ?.. 


a   28 April 2016

Hey Ranee,

How we know past before marriage ?.. Will any girl share about past before marriage ?..

Marraige is trust and true bond between soulmate. If someone betraying in it, is it fault of person who got betrayed?..

Best answer to your advice if anyone did rape on any girl is something like it's girl's fault who come out of house and rape happend on her. Then will you ask that why come out of house ? or will you ask that girl why you born as girl ?..


a   28 April 2016

Hey Ranee,

How we know past before marriage ?.. Will any girl share about past before marriage ?..


Marraige is trust and true bond between soulmate. If someone betraying in it, is it fault of person who got betrayed?..


Best answer to your advice if anyone did rape on any girl is something like it's girl's fault who come out of house and rape happend on her. Then will you ask that why come out of house ? or will you ask that girl why you born as girl ?..


Do you mean may i have to give 40 lacs to her who did abortion before marriage and sent me in prison ?.. 


a   28 April 2016

Hey Ranee,


You should think about other side before adding any comment. You are taking her side because you are women. But same thing happend with you or your brother, then you will know pain of it. If I'll say anything about rape, then it's hurt you. Why girls filed rape cases because whatever men did that is againts their wish?.. then what my wife did with me?.


She hide her past and did marriage through mispresented her and fraud. What was my fault?.. You girls always take adventage of ABALA and take benefit of India legal system.


If I want defame her image, I can easily defame it one year back when I come know it. But I have not done it and give enough time to her. But what she did. She demanded 40 lacs. Was that right? 


If she wants to continue marriage, then why she filed 498 and DV? Such f**king girl not desevr anything. Even I haven't filed divorce case on her. You should think all point before giving answer. If you think I have to accept her, then inform all girls that don't file rape case or pass law  which support rape in India lagal system  If such law will get pass, then I'll accept her.


If you feel I'm sharing false story, then come in Satara which is in Maharashtra. I'll show you all evidences. Few f**king girl are taking advantage of India legal system and using it to earn money.

a   28 April 2016

From your profile, I understand who are you?.. You don't deserve here.. Leave this forum..


a   30 April 2016

Hi Experts,


I'm waiting for response. I know my query is really difficult to answer. But still I'm waiting for response from more experts.

Currently I'm going through very hard phase of my life. My wife and her family cheated me and my family for money.


She did abortion before marriage and demanding huge money from us. Even she is taking advantage of India's legal system to earn money.

I know there is no any provision for abortion before marriage. But still may be there is way I can expose her abortion legally.

I never intention to defame her image. I have decided to expose her cruelty and abortion legally.


My first target to file cognizable offence for abortion did before marriage. In that case, Police will arrest to her and her boyfriend.

Truth will come in front of everyone.


So experts, this is humble request to provide me solution to expose my wife and her family. They are not looking to save prestige, dignity and social reputation.


Because their relatives are not giving respect to them. They all are b*st*rds who wants just money. Nothing else.


Please provide me suggestion to file case of my wife. From her chat conversion with her boyfriend, she know gender of baby which she aborted. She clearly mentioned in chat that she aborted baby boy. I have shared all things. Please let me know best solution on forum or private message.


Dana Kayoni (Expert Humanitarian and Lawyer)     30 April 2016

I am waiting for other legal experts to advise this addlepate before I do.

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