Dear Mr. Ajay:
You are not coming out with full details. You and your wife were living together in a leased house. Then you moved to your “native home”. What was the reason for your moving to your “native home”? Are the places where you were living with your wife and your native home in the same place? If not, what is the distance between them? When you moved to your native home, why did you not take your wife along? Why did you not allow your wife in your native home? If you do want her in your native home and you want her to leave the leased house, where shall she go? What you want to do amounts to throwing out your wife in the street. After her marriage the husband is the only person over whom she has claims for food, clothing and shelter.
You are saying “But she never files false 498A case. I had made all the wrong.” Then you continue “My parents don’t want her back reason she has filed 498A case”.
One has to conclude from your statements above that your wife has filed a genuine 498A case and you were wrong. Under the circumstances the solution available to you is to personally meet your wife, tell her that you agree to stay with her as husband and wife either with your parents also or without them. She will understand that your suggestion is fair and in her best interests. If you are sent to jail under 498A, that will hurt her also equally. Rather she would withdraw 498A and stay with you happily and peacefully.
On the other hand, if you file for divorce and if you are granted divorce, then also you will have to give her a decent residence at your cost besides maintenance.
Neither you nor needadviceon498a are able to express yourself in understandable English.