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vikramaditya jamwal (guest)     10 January 2011

hindu succession

my question is as to how the ancestoral and self acquired property will devolve if a hindu male[father] died intestate leaving a widow[wife] and three daughters out of which two are married and one is yet to get married..











 7 Replies

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     10 January 2011

All the self acquired properties will be divided equally between the widow and children.

in so for as the ancestral properties are concerned, children and himself will have equal share and his share will be treated as self acquired property and will be divided among widow and children.

Widow have no direct right in the ancestral property 

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adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     10 January 2011

In the ancestral properties legal heirs of the deceased will get equal share in the share of the deceased and in the self acquired properties equally.

Amit Minocha (Lawyer)     10 January 2011

Agree with Mr Aravinthan

Amit Gupta (Advocate)     10 January 2011

beg to differ from all...

it depends on which date the person died....

after the amendment in hindu succssession act in 2005 the ancestral or the self aquired property has got no difference..

further the property of an intested will be devolve upon his heirs as per the schedule of the act under which all the heirs that is wife, son doughters will have equal shares....

the coparceny as defined in section 6 in act earlier has no scope nw.......

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     11 January 2011

I think the Amendment will not have any effect in the present case

kiran 11111 (Executive)     12 January 2011

I do agree with adv Amit Gupta ,after amendment od Hindu Succession act in 2005, hindu ma y dispose his property by will or testamentary disposition.

Amit Gupta (Advocate)     12 January 2011

yes the amendment is nt applied to this case but infact the ancestral of self aquired property is also not applicable to present case as there is not male issue left

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