Kindly explain deference between testate and successor and can Hindu male person appoint successor contrary to Hindu succession Act.
vijaybhushan ( advoacte) 08 June 2010
Kindly explain deference between testate and successor and can Hindu male person appoint successor contrary to Hindu succession Act.
Adv. G. A. Gagdani (ADVOCATE AND LEGAL CONSULTANT) 08 June 2010
(noun) a person who makes a will
synonyms : testate
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Mnemonics for testator
(Tag: ) Testator - change the word Testat into state and add success to or.. The TEstator States his will to his successOR.
added by pushpa_edit Edit Mnemonic
(Tag: ) One who TESTS the SUCCESSOR for a fortune - TEST - ATOR
added by drquadros54 Edit Mnemonic
(Tag: ) testator (or) testate: here from testate take estate and tor from tor represents a person so person having estates definetly makes a will so that estate will go to his heirs
added by gre_10 Edit Mnemonic
(Tag: from root) testate (will)from latin root testor means testify.. during that time making will was not a same process like today, they used witness(testis) in place of stamp paper
added by sukhoyash Edit Mnemonic
(Tag: english) you hav a will to become a 1st you hav to write a test..
added by Ani Edit Mnemonic
(Tag: eng) parents will transfer all their properties to their children before death. such an act is called testator = THE + STATOR (stater).
added by arulmozhi Edit Mnemonic
(Tag: ) Test +ator(Ate) when u give a test and could not do well YOU WISH your papers were eaten by something... (papers are lost)so u are a testator(WISHING ABT u r papers)
added by sandeep41190 Edit Mnemonic
Suchitra. S (Advocate) 08 June 2010
Testator - A person who has made legally valid will before his death.
Successor - legal heir of a deceased person.
A Hindu person cannot appoint a successor. It is decided by law. But a testator can appoint a successor as an administrator.
raj kumar ji (LAW STUDENT ) 08 June 2010
yes i also agree with suchitra .s
kranthi (retainer advocate) 17 June 2010
suchitra said correctly
JAGDISH LAL (Practising Advocate) 11 August 2010
No a hindu male cannot appoint successor contrary to provisions of Hindu Succession Act. But in case of self acquired properties a male hindu is fully free to appoint anyone as his successor