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vijaybhushan ( advoacte)     08 June 2010

Hindu succession Act


Kindly explain deference between testate and successor and can Hindu male person appoint successor contrary to Hindu succession Act.

 5 Replies

Adv. G. A. Gagdani (ADVOCATE AND LEGAL CONSULTANT)     08 June 2010



  • (noun) a person who makes a will

    synonyms : testate


WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Mnemonics for testator

  • (Tag: ) Testator - change the word Testat into state and add success to or.. The TEstator States his will to his successOR.

    added by pushpa_edit    editEdit Mnemonic

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  • (Tag: ) One who TESTS the SUCCESSOR for a fortune - TEST - ATOR

    added by drquadros54    editEdit Mnemonic

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  • (Tag: ) testator (or) testate: here from testate take estate and tor from tor represents a person so person having estates definetly makes a will so that estate will go to his heirs

    added by gre_10    editEdit Mnemonic

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  • (Tag: from root) testate (will)from latin root testor means testify.. during that time making will was not a same process like today, they used witness(testis) in place of stamp paper

    added by sukhoyash    editEdit Mnemonic

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  • (Tag: english) you hav a will to become a 1st you hav to write a test..

    added by Ani    editEdit Mnemonic

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  • (Tag: eng) parents will transfer all their properties to their children before death. such an act is called testator = THE + STATOR (stater).

    added by arulmozhi    editEdit Mnemonic

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  • (Tag: ) Test +ator(Ate) when u give a test and could not do well YOU WISH your papers were eaten by something... (papers are lost)so u are a testator(WISHING ABT u r papers)

    added by sandeep41190    editEdit Mnemonic

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Suchitra. S (Advocate)     08 June 2010

Testator - A person who has made legally valid will before his death.

Successor - legal heir of a deceased person.

A Hindu person cannot appoint a successor. It is decided by law. But a testator can appoint a successor as an administrator.

raj kumar ji (LAW STUDENT )     08 June 2010

yes i also agree with suchitra .s

kranthi (retainer advocate)     17 June 2010

suchitra said correctly

JAGDISH LAL (Practising Advocate)     11 August 2010

No a hindu male cannot  appoint successor contrary to provisions of Hindu Succession Act.  But in case of self acquired properties a male hindu is fully free to appoint anyone as his successor

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