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Subramanya G Rao (owner)     14 March 2013

Hindu sucession amendment act and other related acts

Dear Sir,

(1)Does a Hindu Daughter who comes in Class-I heirs and who becomes a widow in 2006 can claim her rights 

    under the following conditions as per Section VII - Dwelling House of Hindu Sucession amendment Act ? :

-She has already given her consent for surrendering/releasing her rights for her fathers immovable                      property  through GPA in 1998 and Release Deed in 1998.

-GPA is not registered but Released Deed is registered In 1998.

-She is employed earning a good salary and own a house belonging to his past husband.

- She got married some time in 1970-71 and marriage registration has been done in Sub Register office.

-Has one Son running a business of tv cable distribution and appears to be well-of and  staying  with mother.He is also married and his wife and daughter are also staying along with him in the same house. 

-Has one daughter who is handicapped and not living with her husband but living with mother 

-GPA consent has been taken on stamped paper which is notarized.    

(2) How does Transfer of Property Act Treats the case ?

(3) How does Partner ship Act 1932 and TP Act/ Contract Act Treats the case ?

(4) How does a Hindu Sucession Act treats the case ?

(5) Is it posssible to Nullify GPA and Release Deed ?

(6) Is there any Provision for her to get back her rights by any law?

(7) Is there any relief/support to get through her other heirs of the property or government agencies

      as per land laws of india ? 

Thanks in advance for your replys,comments and queries .     

 1 Replies

Subramanya G Rao (owner)     15 March 2013

Dear Lawyers and forum members,

I do appreciate if some one can enlighten on this question for the sharing of knowledge purpose to the forum members who are looking for answers.Thanks for your help in advance.

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