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KALPESH PANWALA (Director)     21 January 2014

How a non farmer can buy agricultural land in gujarat

Dear Sirs,

I am doing service. I am not a farmer. My brother in law (Sister's Husband) is also doing service + farmer. He is already having Agricultural land & already doing farming. We want to purchase agricultural land in a joint venture.

My queries are as under:

  • Is it possible to purchase land in the name of my brother in law even though I want to retain my control during selling of the land.
  • Pl. guide us what precautions are to be taken for the paper work to avoid disputes in future.
  • Can we form a firm as a partner & purchase land in the name of my brother in law but the control of land would be actually in both hands i.e. in my hand as well as in his hand + our next generations also.
  • Can I take that land as a Tenant for say 5 years & apply for Farmer?
  • Can my sister donate that land to me so that I can become a farmer?

Pl. note that this land in near Bharuch, Gujarat.

Pl. guide us. Your help can open a new door of farming for us.

Seeking your response ASAP for further process of land purchase.

 8 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     21 January 2014

Contact District Revenue Authorities

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     22 January 2014

The district revenue authorities may be of little help to you but contact in person.

mukund (PROPRIETOR)     22 January 2014

Dear Kalpesh,

A] If possible go in Rajasthan or Goa and buy some small agricultural land where you dont need to be farmer to buy Agr. land by existing laws. Get your name on papers show some crop to ensure you are doing agricultural activities.After that buy agricultural land in Gujrat.Than produce those certified copies of land in other state(i.e.Rajasthan or Goa) in Gujrat Revenue offices as evidence of being farmer to enroll your name in Gujrat 

B] If your brother in law is farmer your sister is naturally farmer ,you may finance her on paper to buy Agricultural land in (Gujrat) her name.Then get registered Power of Attoerney in name of your wife  (or any person  whom you trust) which should contain all powers to deal with Revenue authorities alonwith right to transfer the said land.After that show yourself as person tilting that land and enroll your name in that land as tilter (you are now farmer). After a period of time buy half portion of the same land in your name ( YOU have already paid)

C] Apply to the collector specifying permission to buy Agricultural land and than keep following it which only god knows when you would get it. Atleast this is the state in Maharashtra  .Get good lawyer and confirm the above modus operandi.  

KALPESH PANWALA (Director)     22 January 2014

Dear Mukundji,

Thank you very much for your reply.

You told  a word "After a period of time; buy half portion of land" - After how much time can  I do this & is this going to be certified by the Government authorities or not?

Also, as you said that purchase land in Raj. or Goa but Gujarat government is not giving permission to the other state farmers to purchase land in Gujarat.

Pl. give reply.



mukund (PROPRIETOR)     27 January 2014

Dear Kalpesh,

Please send your email address. I have already sent you reply two days ago.

Vivek   20 June 2017

Dear mukundji , please share your contact details.

mssodagar   12 November 2019

Dear mukundji , please share your contact details on Thanks....

patelmuzzamil (ADVOCATE GUJARAT HIGH COURT )     04 April 2020

contact  via send me email , we will dicuss face to face because

i am advocate in bharuch 

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