amit saruparia (lawyer) 09 July 2017
Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO) 09 July 2017
You file a civil contempt case against Car service providers fo rwhich punishment would be 6 months imprisonment or fine or both for non compliance of court order or defiying or not honouring the court order,..The court orders him to be in jail till he honours its judgment.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate) 09 July 2017
If any party deliberately does not comply with the order of Forum then remady isu/s 25 & 27 of Consumer Protection Act so file petition u/s 25 & 27 of act before Forum and get order of attechment of property and arrest of opposite party.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 09 July 2017
The consumer forum does not have to examine its own order.
Hence you may benefit from the advice of Mr. Bhartesh goyal.
You are yourself a lawyer.
Take help of local colleague/senior counsel specializing in consumer matters.
They won't refuse help to a colleague.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 09 July 2017
You don't need to send your docs to anyone outside.