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Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     26 December 2012

How delhi gang rape will change your life??

How Delhi Gang rape will change Your life??... Read On..

The amendments suggested based on this event are - 
1. Easing consent clause. Hence a woman decides whether she wants to term her every such activity as rape. 

2. Two lakh as compensation for rape victims. So any woman will now accuse a man of rape and enjoy this money, because she doesn't have to prove anything. Well if you have thought it will be given only after the case is proven, you are wrong. It has to be given on filing the complaint. Well I don’t need to say that now this financial incentive will encourage more women to file such criminal cases.

3. women can deny medical test clause is already there, so no case will be conclusively decided and lead to punishment of accused including innocent ones. 

4. 'rape' is being changed into 'Sexual harassment' now. So any such act will be dealt like rape and hence both reported cases and conviction will increase. So feminists will prove themselves right. 

5. 'Marital Rape' is being introduced. So any wife apart from filing false dowry complaint will file false 'rape' complaint as well and husbands will be punished. 

6. SH @Workplace is being passed without amendment, so men will be vulnerable to all these even at their workplace. As it will be only monetary compensation and men will die silently and no one will realise this. 

7. Women doing similar offenses will not even be recognised as criminals. 

8. Fast track court will be there. Man's evidence will set aside, and woman's false affidavit is considered as gospel truth.


 9 Replies

Toral Sampat (Assistant Executive - Complaince )     26 December 2012



I agree to you that frivolous cases will be increasing after these suggested amendments are carried out. But at the same we should also take into consideration as to why such amendments are suggested.

Every Day many girls are being the GENUINE victims of such Henious crime. We might not understand the situation and pain suffered by the VICTIMs, but few amendments of such sort are necessary.

Hope you agree.


**Victim** (job)     26 December 2012

@ Amit while i was just thinking about these issues which men might have to face in future it seems thing are getting harder and harder. Every morning here in U.S. i would wake up and see thousands of people gathering at India Gate asking for death penalty. I knew that very soon current laws will be amended and things will change soon.

Question - Can this be misused by womens ?

Answer - Hell yes !!!!

I am not saying that i am against this protest but these laws might be misused as well. If we can protest for rape victim why can't we do this for 498a,406 victims ?

rajiv_lodha (zz)     26 December 2012

This is just a knee jerk reaction. Without going deep into the cause & remedial measures of such crimes, pseudo-faminists are trying to ceate mess with the law.......& in India VOTE BANK POLITICS DECIDES EVRYTHING. May be possible that morons make more stiff laws.....esy 2 misuse as 498a has become.

rahul (manager)     26 December 2012

Dear Amit

  Very valid points. And do you really believe all these rallies and get together in such large scale is happening on its own. Such a gathering cannot happen, without a group of people organising it, the feminzai groups with political backing for their own benefit. They are asking for DCP and Commissioner to resign, for what? and why for this act alone? 

If you all remember sometime back there was an incident in which a guy on the toll booth was shot and killed. Even then the media covered it but there were no gatherings or PM showed his concern. On a regular basis, aged couples are killed in their own house, that doesnt even make it to the headlines. 

I am not tryng to dilute the instance at hand, of rape, it is a heidous crime and guilty should be brought to justice. But we need to also understand, how the politicians and the feminazi's are using it to further their agenda and I believe Amit has nailed it in the head with his observations. 

It will make the fight even tougher for normal guys, the police who were till now still able to delay arrest for whatever reason may be,   would now be under a lot of pressure to align itself to women families out of fear. Earlier if they were to take some money and delay arrest now risk being higher the price for bribing would also go up. 

And if one rape can gather soo much attention so that so the prime minister needs to come on TV to pacify, why isnt there a movement for all the husbands who committed suicide and parents of husbands who died of heart attack or had a nervous breakdown because of fear of arrest. Forget the PM not even a tuchha politician has come on tv to support the fight against 498a.

There seems to be no recourse for the male gender, the law makers are hell bent on creating a dyfunctional soceity by making laws which have detrimental effects for the whole soceity. Now the time is coming that guys would be mere puppets in the hands of woman as they are backed by stupid laws. The govt machinery is so that the ruling party would benefit by making such laws and bringing more chaos to the system, so that everyone is soo buys fighting their own stupid battles, so that they do not get time to fight the injustices or corruption being done by the govt.

Ranee....... (NA)     27 December 2012

May God save good guys from cunning girls and may these laws useful for real victims

Some Innocent guys will suffer because of some sick males.

1 Like

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     27 December 2012

same thing is happening with 498a, 406, DV ... , Ranee .....

Ranee....... (NA)     27 December 2012

Originally posted by : Amit---------------

same thing is happening with 498a, 406, DV ... , Ranee .....

yes, true...


after this delhi Incident , My mother in law giving warning to careful... they aleardy planned and making business in this.

Who can save us.?

Samuel (CEO)     27 December 2012

Think twice before having S*X especially with wife!

in that case prostitution can be legallised... after all I did not say a blunder...., When wife fails her part, need to understand there is a second option!

YES! bibilically / Veda/Kuran says its SIN! when Man make laws and do punish! where Gospel comes in picture?

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