Is Trademark & Goodwill of a company related to each other ? If it is then how far is it related. Is the appreciation in trademark value treated as an appreciation in its goodwill ?
Sagnik (Management Trainee) 29 February 2012
Is Trademark & Goodwill of a company related to each other ? If it is then how far is it related. Is the appreciation in trademark value treated as an appreciation in its goodwill ?
Rajesh Hazra (Mediator and Legal Counsel ) 29 February 2012
Dear Sagnik,
In one word if youask me Trade Mark is the image of the Goodwill of a Company or brand. The Goodwill is recognized by the mark that is the Trade Mark.
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 29 February 2012
A trademark protects the goodwill associated with a company. As in the case of copyright fictional character created in a film scriptt writer or a film producer having the licence to use the story can build up a good will which may be protected in a passing off action even though he may not be the owner of the copyright.
Sagnik (Management Trainee) 01 March 2012
Kiran (IPR Expert) 31 May 2012
Goodwill and trademark are realted insofaras both talk about identity associated with business.
However, goodwill reflects the intrinsic value business value of a company and its reputation in the market.
Whereas trademark gives legal protection to a brand so that nobody else can use it. A trademark can be registered even for a new brand or a relatively unknown brand.
Thus even if a business has a registered trademark, it is possible that there is hardly any goodwill associated with it.
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Trademark Registration in India is a must to protect your brand.
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