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Rajesh (SWE)     20 July 2012

How much amount can be paid for breaking the engagement?


Dear sir,

I had to break the engagement due to my personal reasons.Earlier when i told this the girl's family threatened us by calling local rowdies,after that they told that they will file a complaint and drag us to the court for settlement.Immediately we have engaged a lawyer and found that they have given a written complaint in the police station and no FIR has been registered.Now they have called our mediator and told that if we give 15 lakhs as compensation,then they will not  approach the court.Otherwise they are threatnening that they will make us arrest.We told that we will bear all the financial loss suffered by them and we are ready to give 50 thousand to one lakh compensation.They are not agreeing for that.

Now can any body tell how much compensation court may ask us to pay them if they approach thecourt.Are there any chances that the court may send us to jail as punishment?

Advocates please help me.



 5 Replies

Guest (Guest)     20 July 2012

They are not legally entitled to claim any compensation but be careful of a false dowry charge which you might have to defend yourself against.

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You have to give them back all their gifts and expenses accured during engegement as a gentle guy.

Now my question is:

Did you have any physical relation with her before marriage? If that is there they will surely drag you for marriage.

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Rajesh (SWE)     20 July 2012

Originally posted by : Rajendra kumar

Dear Mr.Rajendra Kumar,

I do not have any physical contacts with the girl.We told them that apart from giving the engagement expenses we are ready to give 1 lakh compensation.But they are demanding 15 lakhs.If they go to court how much we may need to pay?


You have to give them back all their gifts and expenses accured during engegement as a gentle guy.

Now my question is:

Did you have any physical relation with her before marriage? If that is there they will surely drag you for marriage.


If those greedy beggers go to court they will max get the real engagement expenses amount only.


thedon (owner)     17 August 2016

if u have recording of threating ,u r safe

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