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rajiv_lodha (zz)     06 March 2012

How to carry the flag forward?

Central Govt reverts on Sec377 in SC. It’s a big leap for gay-rights activists, was definitely a long & uphill battle for them.

One thing troubles me……..want to put here! When such Gay-Groups can make their voice heard & thus tilt the balance in their favor, whats wrong with groups fighting against biased family laws. (Un)fortunately, the numbers have swollen on our side too....... over these years of legal terrorism. Ppl of all age groups including old aged parents, female relatives etc who are suffering from 498a et al........ have increased so much. SIFF has made its presence in many cities, much of grey-matter also seems to be with us, no lack of visionaries too. But the movement has not made much breakthrough!!

What do we lack, is it the proper leadership or the vision or the methods to channelize the movement? What direction shud we move to make ourselves heard....that too in effective way so that family laws are corrected??

How to carry the flag forward?

 5 Replies

cm jain sir (ccc)     06 March 2012

Dear Rajiv,

There are lacs of people in our country who are facing these false cases. The biggest problem is how to unite these sufferers? SIFF has done lot of innovative recourse to unite the people but here also I think our efforts are divided in various direction and forums. We all have to put our efforts in one forum or in one platform to get a net result. 


pls see the following link to sign the petition related to 498a and just try to visualize the quantum of response.

bhima balla (none)     07 March 2012

SIFF and other similar organizations have done yeoman service in the fight for justice. It is kudos to the volunteers who have tirelessly worked for the ' awakening'! Yet at the end of the day, these organizations have limitations that restricts their ability to make much more impact-impact that would reverse and set right the abnormal course that these laws have taken.

1) The essential voluntary nature of the organization itself is a hinderance, as such voluntary work, is temporary by nature. Despite their good intentions it is possible that thousands have moved on -after settlement of cases etc. Unlike the 'women's empowerment groups' who are paid to spread their word and the heavy funding they receive and the dedicated cadres they can deploy, men's organizations are not even close in their capability. The women's organizations have a vested interest in perpetuating their cause. Men are ultimately the breadiwinners and need to work both for themselves and to pay 'taxes' to their ex wives!

2) The funding: SIFF and other organizations are not requesting nor receiving funds. This may be good in the sense of less interference and essentially voluntary contribution of individual members thereby taking care of other extraneous factors. However the funding is essentially needed to grow and influence. Dedicated cadres working full time, along with an army of volunteers are needed to make to make an impact. The number of men and women dedicated to the cause is miniscule compared to the resources of the other side. Sustainability of the cause is dependent on resources ultimately, irrespective of its nobility.

3) A need for seat at the table: Women's organization have a seat at the table.They have the ears of the government, judiciary and the law commission. They have the ears of national and international fora.They have the media in their pockets albeit men are making a little dent there! It is high time the family/Men organizations demand and obtain a seat at the table. Without the seat and direct effort to counter the nonsense the feminist agenda, nothing will change in reality!

1 Like

Ravi chaturvedi (Partner)     07 March 2012

This is the same question that when corruption would be out of system. There is need to change the people mentality. (def)     07 March 2012

Good discussion

cm jain & balla sir have rightly said, what ails the movement, what went wrong! But the crux was not to analyse & dump...............we, the ppl are suffering.............we, the ppl have to find ways...........Point is:

How to carry the flag forward?

Women groups never became so powerful overnight. Lots of years they cried to enact laws, to have say at the table. Lets find ways to ORGANISE, MAKE STRATEGY & MOVE................MOVE AS A FORCE!

what i feel:

1) we are wrongly mentioned "Men's-Group" here & there,  every effort must be done to scrap this image on each possible platform. A lot of women sufferers are on our side now!

2) media should be used to the maximum to be in the center of it print media or electronic one. members with good writing skills must write articles repeatedly to newspapers to publish..............about gender biased FAMILY BREAKING LAWS. One shud endorse these with data too. This works..........movement will be definitely slow, but it will gain momentum as the time passes!

hope more ideas to come!

bhima balla (none)     08 March 2012

I agree with galsober.It is not Men vs women. It is between people who want family to be strong vs those who want to breakup families in the name of 'women empowerment'.  

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