We are facing waterlogging and flooding situation every monsoon season because of the fraud commited by BBMP in connivance with the politicians. BBMP allowed construction of apartment over the Rajakaluve( Main Drainage line). The construction has blocked the natural exit of Strom water. We have complained many times and pursuing this issue for more than 5 years. But it is falling on deaf ears of the authorities since they are on fault. The builder also using its influence to suppress the complaint.
We feel enough is enough and want to approach this case legally filing the case in court against BMMP. can someone guide how to approach this issue. We may also need services of an advocate to fight our case. Can someone suggest a lawyer who can help we such type of case.
you'll have to file a suit for mandatory and permanent injunction along with interim relief against the said construction.
you may also approach High Court under 226/227 of the Indian Constitution to stop the illegal construction and stop the waterlogging and other issues faced by you.
Siddharth Jain, Advocate