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BRajesh (MRKT)     22 November 2012

How to convince wife for mcd


wife is not showing fr any mutual seperation.Difference are beyond reconciliation and she is telling ufront that she is not interested for any mediation also.she already filled 498A and DV and it's alosmot one year is completed since staying sperately after filling the cases.And she still under the opionin that she want to fight in court to make her understand and bring to the table for MCD.As i know these case will run for life time and she is adamont to understand the reyality.

seeking your expert advise how to procede further to bring this to close ASAP.

 9 Replies

rajiv_lodha (zz)     22 November 2012

No short cut dear.

Infact n number of sufferers similar to ur situation are here in the forum itself. Nobody can convince her. Patience wil help u. After some yrs she wil realise herfolly when her near & dear ones wil show their back, society wil humiliate her....& god knows what.

Meanwhile use all retaliation methods to corner her, may be she breaks in the midway 2 stop the onslaught

1 Like

stanley (Freedom)     22 November 2012

Normally the above cases 498 A , DV are filed for abstraction of Vitamen M. So try negoitating with vitamen M and see her reaction for MCD maybe it may work . Alternatively if she isnt accepting MCD than file for Divorce and contest the case. I don't think so there is any other way out from the above two options .  

Alternatively if the above cases are false retaliate by filing Pre-jury provided you can prove the same and which may make her take a back step .

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Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     22 November 2012

See if money can be used to settle the matter....Do have a settlement deed made if you chose this route....




You may also try finding some common sensible friends or some one she adheres to....







Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     22 November 2012

Originally posted by : BRajesh

how to make her understand and bring to the table for MCD. XXX

seeking your expert advise how to procede further to bring this to close ASAP.

Very simple;

Renounce the material world and follow @ Osho and appear in Court as well as before your @ lady in adopted “way of life” and now she will soon realize nothing she can extract from you and hence she will opt for MCD as alms to an Oshoite.

Believe me few desperados “do adopt” to bring such scenarios to a close as in above lines thy name Indian marriages in 21st. Century otherwise there is no escaping from Law of Karma and 1 year so far spent in Court cases is just introduction to gender Laws Chapter I / Verse I / Line I !

Now informed choice are all yours to act on to bring such scenarios to a close 

1 Like

Goutam Prasad (Advocate)     22 November 2012

If she is not ready for mutual consent divorce, you should file divorce petition of your own. Besides you have number of other options too, like filing of tax evasion case, etc.

You should consult goold lawyer for better advice with complete details of your case.

Court procedure may be lengthy, but effective lawyer can keep the same minimum with his intelligence and promptness.

vijay (M)     22 November 2012

@ Stanley


Can perjury be filed during the pendency of the case or one has to wait till 498/DV is disposed off ??

sriram kartik (Advocate)     22 November 2012

you fill a divorece case in the consent family court and let her appear in the family court, and fill a quash petition in High Court and fight, so tht she will come to mcd  

stanley (Freedom)     23 November 2012

Originally posted by : vijay

@ Stanley


Can perjury be filed during the pendency of the case or one has to wait till 498/DV is disposed off ??

It can be filed during the pendency of the case provided you have solid proof but it all depends on the judge when to accept it and how you convince him 

Goutam Prasad (Advocate)     23 November 2012

During pendency of 498A and DV, perjury is waste of time. If she claims maintainance too in DV and further claims your income more than what you have, then purjury for it will be helpful even during pendency of DV.

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