I am sorry, but a third of my life was spent in the US, so I had no clue how the system works.
KK (N/A) 01 November 2011
I am sorry, but a third of my life was spent in the US, so I had no clue how the system works.
KK (N/A) 01 November 2011
May I ask why I can't file an RTI under my own name instead of going through a convoluted process of putting the onus on my friend to do this.
<Best way is to file an appeal.
You can ask through RTI as to how many judgements of that judge have been reversed in appeal, number of judgements given, number of appeals preferred against judgement of this judge, his assets statement. All these data you can seek for last 5 years. This will put him on alert, including other judges. You can ask your friend to file RTI seeking these details, so that you are not linked to this RTI.
I am not sure if there is system of audit of quality of judgements in courts but if it is there you can seek its report.>
KK (N/A) 01 November 2011
I am guessing less than 1% of the judge will be caught red handed taking a bribe.
In any case, other than using my own common sense, that when somebody gives you a document stating that he will return the money back, it means just that. Even a moron can figure this out. Instead, the judge tries extra hard to come up with an excuse - GIFT. Neither the accused, nor the victim ever considered GIFT to be a possibility at all. Only an influenced judge will be forced to come up with such a lame excuse.
Beyond this I have no proof at all.
<He might be corrupt judge, but you need solid proof that he is corrupt. If you go thru., the media they requires documentary proof or other proof so they can use it. Mere referring judgement doesnot sufficie>
KK (N/A) 01 November 2011
In other words, what you are basically saying is that I AM SCREWED FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. My hard earned savings is wiped out.
<corruption is the best policy in indian culture, think the macc case--- percentage of money is taking .... who?who?... answers are known everybody but if you tell or sought it is guilty and punishable!!!!! mera bharat mahan?????
......no remedy for corruption in judiacial system and no legal arrengement/step against corrupted person in judicial system have.....ok>
KK (N/A) 01 November 2011
Dear Rajiv,
Thanks for your concern. I no longer have the means to even fight an appeal anymore. Money situation is tight just to run my family. So I am not going for an appeal. I am sure that thug will pay a 50K or 1 Lakh and these low morality judges will snap it up like a dog picking up a bone and write some stupid nonsense in their judgment..
My life is finished. I am doomed.
<Dear KK,
Unless you have documentary evidence in your support, don't take any step. Take certified copies of all documents filed by you as well as opposite party during trial of your case. please check thoroughly all documents relied upon you during trial and also file those relied upon documents which supports before appellate court as mentioned by you. keep patience you will definitely win.
Thanks & Regards
Rajiv Bhasin
9811210505, 9868635640>
V Kumar Singh (Executive) 23 March 2025