I have a plot in co-op. housing society.When this society was formed,it's membership was open to all.But after riots of 1969,society made changes in it's charter(RULES).A resolution was passed with majority holders voting for it.It was decided that plots/houses will be sold to only Sindhi buyer.This was done to prevent distress sell.However it is learnt that this resolution was not sent to Registrar of co-op.society for approval.I have been told that this resolution is not valid as it was not sent to registrar for approval..Is it correct?What is status of this resolution even if if it was sent to registrar for approval.
I am constrained to find out validity of this resolution as some members of governing body(one of them working in court-not lawyer) are using this resolution to force members to sell their property at price well below market price.Some members were forced to sell their properties at very very low price.Recently a member sold his property to a Punjabi.But governing body threatened the buyer to back out.
How to deal with the situation.