Fahd Ebrahim 06 January 2018
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 06 January 2018
This is mostly done aboard by Estate Planning Attoney. In India you can make a deed poll or an affidavit before a Notary and disown your biological parents just like a parents disowning a son/daughter. In your case you dont want anything from your parents as such there is no problems. Also publish in leading news papers and your State official Gazette.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 06 January 2018
It would be indeed a painful decision for parents to disown child(ren) and child(ren) to think to disown parents.
A child cannot disown parent(s).
The biological parents remain biological parents.
Per provisions of applicable personal laws if adoption is considerable in your case, consider it, and discuss with a own very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in such /civil matters and well versed with personal law that applies in your case, and having successful track record in such matters…...
Or You can at most act as suggested by Mr. N.K.Assumi.
Kumar Doab (FIN) 06 January 2018
One line in your post is not properly drafted so as to convey a clear and correct message.
A minor/child cannot nominate. An authority should not accept nomination by minor/child.
Apparently you were nominated and you did not nominate.
In case you were nominated upon hearing from you, as suggested by Mr. N.K. Assumi, the parents/person that nominated you may change the nomination.
Or else if you are contacted to act in the capacity to nominate you can either produce the said publications or act in the capacity of nominee and handover the proceeds/estate/property to (other) legal heirs/successors and relinquish/release/transfer/gift your share to (other) legal heirs/successors…….by a registered deed....