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robin (mba)     08 October 2012

How to do immediate transfer of property to someone's name?

my uncle want to transfer property to his friend's son's name.But MY UNCLE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THE PROCEDURE.He is illiterate.
what he has to do? How he will transfer property into to his friend's son's name?
please tell what is the procedure.How one can do immediate transfer of his property?

 5 Replies

Anirban Gope (Advocate)     08 October 2012

He can trnsfer it by way of gift deed. And witness is necessary. For further query please feel free to call 9830860738.


S Jadhav 98336 98330 (Jadhav & Associates)     08 October 2012

Dear Robin, I am assuming your uncle wants to transfer immovable property such as land or building, etc. All transfers of immovable property have to be stamped with proper stamp value and registered without which the transfer cannot take place.

Registration requires witnesses. also the agreement will have a market value (ready reckoner rates would be used in case the agreement rate is lower) on which stamp duty and registration fees will be calculated. If a gift deed is prepared then there will be no consideration but still stamp duty will be paid as per law.

Transfer is assumed to be done on the date of registration and if there is no issue raised by anyone for the transfer.

S Jadhav

Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     09 October 2012

There has to be a registered gift deed. Contact a local lawyer, who'd help you draft one and get it registered. I disagree with Ld. Brother Jadhav, transfer takes effect for all intents and purposes on the date of execution (i.e when both parties sign) and not when it is registered.

robin (mba)     09 October 2012

is the signature has to be hand written signature?

robin (mba)     09 October 2012

is the signature has to be hand written signature?

is any SANNED SIGNATURE is valid?

but in case of scanned signature anyone can paste anybody's scanned signature. It is not safe.

is the SCANNED signature valid????

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