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KARAN SINGH (SERVICE)     09 February 2014

How to extract benifit out of situation:husband

dear sir;

1 Ihad filed sec 9 in the honble family court Nainital two years back and is at evidence stage

2 My wife filed sec 13 1(a) in Lucknow almost at same time i.e.2 yrs back

3.since courts being sympathetic to ladies i filed GWA in lucknow as it would had been transferred and i dint wanted to loose time to meet my daughter 7 yrs old

4As expected Now after 2 yrs my wife moved supreme cour to trfer sec 9 case to lucknow 

5 meanwhile ; since My wife was just delaying court case by some mean or other so i moved lucknow high court and  this month i could get an order to get all court case finalization within 6 months from Honble High court Lucknow

In view of above  May the esteemed learned lawyers can suggest me if

(a) Shall i contest trfr case in supreme court since next date of hearing is in April

(b)Can i extract any adv if otherwise from this High Court oRDER

(C)In what taste generally lower courts view a forced upon order on them in favour of husband

( d)Any other advice one can extract out of situation so far 

 4 Replies

KARAN SINGH (SERVICE)     10 February 2014

hi experts any replies can any one take the challenge and provide best course of action

KARAN SINGH (SERVICE)     11 February 2014

hi my tajobs india and stanley

dont have nything to offer



Transfer, appeal, transfer again appeal. Once she goes for appeal, once you go for appeal.  Like this case wont get over at all.  And there is a kid involved too.  Due to moment of anger you both are acting like this.  Think calmly, find a  middle point. settle the case mutually and move on.  Or else you 3 wont have anything to merry make, just your advocates will be making merry out of your case.  Time  n tide wait for none.  Think calmly act swiftly.  Good luck.

KARAN SINGH (SERVICE)     14 February 2014


Mr Helping hand 

You are either not a professional lawyer or you are a good human being

thanks a ton for u r advice

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