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Sanjay Sharma (Manager)     27 November 2012

How to file a divorce

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am married with 9 yrs. relationship, but life is like hell only, have decided to file a suit for divorce, but donot know the procedure, somehow my wife also agreed 50/50 for the divorce but asking for the monthly compensation although she is working as Teacher. We have one daughter & we both mutually agreed that she will live with me after our divorce.

Please guide.

Kind Regards,

Sanjay Sharma


 1 Replies

ANAMIKA VICHARE (LAWYER)     27 November 2012

I do not understand by it that the wealth accumulated during matrimonial life is to be distributed 50-50

she is working, then she requires no maintenance further you are keeping the custody of the daughter thast means you are going to take care of the maintenace education and other needs of the chid/.////is she gong to contribute....

if not where is the question of giving anything to her.....

try to file the petn of course if she is ready... without giving anything to her.....

you decide what you can afford

since it is mutaul she has to also zagree

or better way to file contested one


3 options get open



mutual converting the petn

Anamika Vichare, Family Court, Lawyer

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