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Akash (Engineer)     27 March 2015

How to get a certified copy of court order

Hi All,

I need a help. I had a registry marriage and after 15 days I felt cheated by bride's family and then applied for annulement. After 4 months judge nullified the marriage. My lawyer provided me one certified copy of the order. But I lost it and even I dont have a copy of it also. The lawyer shifted to Mumbai and right now I dont have any contact with him.

Now how can I get another certified copy of thar court order. I have the case number and date everything.

Please help me on this matter.



 3 Replies

HARSH GUPTA (ADVOCATE)     27 March 2015

Dear Akash,

In every court, there is a certified copy department. You have to apply for a certify copy of the order in the prscribed performa. Prescribed form will be available at stationary shop in court compound. In the form you have to mention case no., name of court who passed the order, date of judgment, and purpose of the copy. You have to pay a fix court fee for getting the certified copy. 

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     30 March 2015

If you are a party to the suit, you may visit the court office, file a copy application as party in person seeking certified copy of the missing document/judgment or you can engage another advocate by giving him a vakalatnama and get your job done.


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