Dear Mastan,
Can you clarify this fact in detail:
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" Based on her complaint polices conducted family counseling between my brother and his wife "
(i) On her complaint whether police issued Notice/Letter to you Brother to attend family counseling..?
(ii) Whether the proceedings of 'Family Counseling' was Written/Recorded on paper..??
(iii) Whether your brother and his wife signed any paper after the counseling..?
(iv) Whether anyone either on behalf of your Brother or his Wife present during the said counseling and signed as witness for the counseling..??
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Generally on receiving Complaint police will register the complaint in their General Diary and issue a GD Number, and if all the above proceeding were recorded and signed by your brother, his wife and any witness then you can ask for the said proceedings along with copy of the complaint. But as you are saying that, you need it within 3-4 days, it is impossible because you are going to approach POLICE, and as a general man/people you better known than us about POLICE and their proceedings.